Short hand version today.
Stated low.
Fish trickling thru here and there .
Lost 1 of the 2 pewter bright hens I saw go thru.
Males were pretty beat looking.
8:30 made the move to the lfz.
Guide and clients on Clint's rock and just upriver.
Went by them to have my own water.
Swung cut shank intruderish flies tied on #2 streamer shanks about 4 in long.
Had around 8 or nine solid takes but couldn't put any to shore for pics.
They kept falling off after a minute or two.
I'm talking arm jolting takes.
Thinking back on it they were taking about 30 or 40 feet downriver and near the end of the swing.
I reacted by setting as always pulling the fly up and away from the fish rather that giving slack and setting down and towards the bank.
My bad.
Also the #4 trailer hook while not a circle hook has a slight inward bend.
Tendonitis in my foot started to hurt bad so I went for a drive looking for water.
16 cars including a drift boat in what I will dub "the twat lot"
(rhymes pretty good) and the same at the wire lot.
Not for me.
Went to trussle (like that spelling from another site) and the lot was a mess.
Looked and saw only a few people there so assumed walking would be usless.
Cicled and found Pville full, Sportsmens crowded but the spot of spots was Ellis.
You could fit another car in with a shoe horn.
Went to Malinda's and she gave me a shipping tube to send an Orvis rod I broke last year back.
Saved me a trip to ups to buy one.
A good day I could have made better with a little critical thinking at the right time.