If LE effects a lawful arrest it will be based upon the excessive use of force (PL 110.00 Attempted Assault 3rd degree (B/MISD). Once the young lady defended herself successfully against Dawn's initial attack she has the duty to stop. Its my understanding that the authorities feel that she continued to pummel Dawn once she had gained control. I don't necessarily agree with that position because you have no way of knowing what the intent is of the person you had under your control. The question is, at what point have you eliminated the threat?
Even after the beat down Dawn's mouth was still running as she verbally threatened her combatant and confronted others down river from the altercation.
Because this event happened in a public place with evidence from the independent video both should have been charged with PL 240.20 Disorderly Conduct Sub. 1, 2, & 3 (violation).
Also, Dawn should be charged with PL 240.25 Harassment (violation) Sub. 1, 2 & 3 and PL 240.30 Aggravated Harassment in the second degree (A/MISD) Sub. 1.
Dawn, because of her behavior in the presence of her daughter, may have opened herself up to PL 260.10 Endangering the welfare of a child (A/MISD) Sub. 1.
I do not believe there is enough to charge either individual with PL 120.00 Assault in the third degree (A/MISD) if there is no physical injury causing "substantial pain." If this is charged it will be an over reach by the DA's office.