i've seen some stuff on social media that has a very uncanny resemblance to the hypothetical situation you describe. the ice fishing videos don't seem too detailed, but the open water ones don't leave much to try to figure out.
not gonna lie, there are times when i've tried fishing somewhere new that came from somebody giving t.m.i. on the innerwebs. or have used little clues to try to figure out where they were. or a place i fish often, will adjust to what i see. that person's t.m.i. increased angler pressure by at least 1, and often 3 since my boys are usually with me. some of the social media pages for steelhead fishing are just ridiculous in that regard, and i have no doubt they increase angling pressure in general based on the number of posts that begin with, "i've never fished for steelhead before," and the number of, "where should i go and what should i use," posts from people that have fished for steelhead before. and those who fish for steelhead know that increased angling pressure is not a good thing for private property open to public fishing.
i follow a couple pages on facebook for fishing the gulf coast in mississippi and louisiana. one page's policies for posting reports require locations and tactics to be given, but 99% of those reports are guys fishing from boats in the vast marshes of those states. reports are removed for not containing enough information sometimes. the owner of that page also runs a for-profit type online "club" where he shares very detailed info on where and how. really, really knowledgable guy and always catches a ton of speckled trout and reds in all conditions, but maybe he figures nobody else is as good as he is.
a couple other pages for the same area don't have those policies, but shore fishermen there especially give t.m.i. and expect others to do the same. couple summers ago, we had a couple of great fishing days in that area wade fishing the beach and i posted some pics. got several, "where were you," questions and had people that got mad at me when the extent of my info was, "wading the beach between town x and town y," for not being more specific. i dunno, i kind of liked it that my sons and i were the only three fishermen i could see in the whole stretch of beach we were on.
saltwater is obviously a vastly different resource than your hypothetical. if i was great at fishing that hypothetical body of water - i'm not, since i don't have a boat (but even if i did, not sure that would change much) - and somebody was posting t.m.i. for the masses on a spot and bite i had dialed in, i'd be a little peeved about it. i have a few spots and bites there that i've figured out a little bit over the years, and when i see t.m.i. from those spots and bites, i cringe a little bit because i know there will be more competition there.