2020/03/28 11:09:49
hot tuna
Honestly, I feel so many have or had this virus, including myself. We are exposed to public no matter what you do. How extreme it becomes is really based on the individual.
I truly try to restrict my involvement with the people who are most vulnerable to serious problems as this is a contagious virus. I can' say I cant stay confined to my own house and property as life things just don't allow that when I'm not sick.
What really strikes a nerve is those that go out in public wearing masks and nitrile gloves now. I'm sorry but it's to little, to late and a sign of fear imo. I really can't live my life that way. If I'm sick, I'll stay home.
If I need to go out in public with a mask and gloves, then I shouldn't be going out in public. I will abide by government mandates towards a state of emergency.
I'm very concerned about how society will function in the aftermath.

Far off topic but those who remember AIDS will understand that it totally changed our society for about 20 years. Mostly out of fears.
2020/03/28 11:16:13
Mountian Man
Swear I had it beginning of December lasted 3 weeks before it left up..sweated the first 2 days, aches, dry cough, just felt sluggish.
2020/03/28 11:46:41
Same here MAN- on the Cruise ship in mid Feb had the fever and sore throat and couldn't breathe- called for medics at 1;30 am.
Have COPD and Asthma and am prone to bronchitis so am experienced with these issues.
NEVER get the fever and sore throat though so this was different.
Passed the flu test so that was out.
Had about 3 to 4 dozen nebulizer treatments as well as antibiotics- x ray said  a lung infection believed to be bronchitis.--had just got over  bronchitis before the trip- coulda came back coulda been something different I know I thought I had 19 because of the different symptoms.
Got marginally better and upon getting home my DR put me on VERY strong antibiotics-- got better.
It took about 3 weeks to get back to my norm- never takes that long.
Wife got it soon after we got home and she too went on antibiotics and got better.
Yes, there are lots of things out there that are similar and in this atmosphere we all think of 19 first--but ya gotta wonder as so many get it and get over it without too much notice.
Had left  for the Cruise out of NY first of Feb when the 19 was just starting -- knew what we know now  woulda stayed home.
2020/03/28 12:53:54
Mountian Man
Swear I had it beginning of December lasted 3 weeks before it left up..sweated the first 2 days, aches, dry cough, just felt sluggish.

MM we have a niece living south of the "burgh" who missed celebrating the holidays with family muup north because she was concerned with just how sick she was.

Does make one wonder.
2020/03/28 16:08:02
hot tuna
It's a virus, like many. It hits hard to many which causes concern to everyone.
My personal thoughts are if your concerned now, your to late.
This thing hit us over 2 months ago, more than 60 days ago. I seen it coming with the stockouts of ppe for working Americans back then.
So many have it already, knowingly or not I'm not sure how after all this time some think they can shelter themselves from it.

If the USA truly wants to put a handle on it , then real hardline measures must take place.
So far imo its just been very disruptive measures and hitting certain people financially while others go about their business.
The roads were filled with cars today, the stores were as well.
2020/03/28 16:36:20
Pres is considering smething more stringent for NY NJ and Ct. as people running from these areas seem to be spreading it.
In RI the SP are stopping Ny cars on the highway and sending the Guard house to house for NY transplants.
Trying to make the Ny ers shelter in place for 14 days-
yea right   they likely immediately go  a crowded food store to stock up and spread their germs.
Kinda agree on the more stringent thingie as one living in 'da zone'.
Every single grocery store and big box store ya drive past is packed with cars since this started.
No way folks aren't stocked  up yet- they are clearly NOT paying attention AND DOING THINGS THAT SPREAD THE 19.
The press will go nuts and the lawyers are gonna be wacko on this one.
Personally all I want- like everyone else - is to have as much protection as possible.
Never ever thought we would see something like this-----------
2020/03/28 19:13:20
Alabama just extended it's orders and included places of gather that have been open.

All public beaches are now to remain closed until April 17th and public swimming pools are now closed as well.

Food services remain the same as does essential businesses.

If the FDA approves the use of hydroxychloroquine/azithromycin for treatment of Covid-19, the same people hoarding in the supermarkets will be the first people inline **** they can't get their treatment because they didn't get tested because they had no or the wrong symptoms.

The hoarders won't care if they need it or even care that the meds would be wasted, they don't care those that do need it wouldn't get it, the hoarders just want it.

In times like this, a protocol from testing to treatment must be established and then followed.

I wonder, the holdup by the FDA to approve this drug. Could it be a stall to assure production, to cover all future cases with only the most severe cases now having access, to a limited supply?

New York is said to be the newest state, now testing the drug on a limited bases.
2020/04/04 08:02:54
hot tuna
Yesterday our company had a mass layoff.
Out of 155 people who work there 130 were laid off.
I'm #8 on seniority and had the option of staying or taking layoff. I chose to stay, for now.
My job has totally changed and I also have the option of taking layoff at anytime if I want.
This is a temporary layoff and hopefully things will get back to normal by June.
I'm going to see how things go next week there and if it no good then I may exercise my layoff right.

Stay safe folks
2020/04/04 09:46:18
Clint S
Well it has been 10 days so I am clear for now. Still feeling good. They come through every day counting supplies and oxygen ports.
2020/04/04 10:12:57
Good luck HT, one can only pray the situation is short lived and we can soon start returning to normal.

Update: hydroxychloroquine/azithromycin continues to show promise in both treating and as a preventitive of Covid19.

Michigan reversed orders banning use of hydroxychloroquine/azithromycin as a treatment. New York however maintains persons infected with Covid19 must be treated with hydroxychloroquine/azithromycin in a hospital. Although, those being treated with hydroxychloroquine for Lupus & rheumatoid arthritus may continue their normal regiment at home.

Would I be dvs in thinking Coumo wants (needs) to fill all those hospital beds he's been clambering about?

Also, maybe a "slip of the lip" by a talking head on TV but supposedly the CDC & FDA is/was stalling the approval of hydroxychloroquine/azithromycin for Covid19 treatment because of supply and demand.

CDC & FDA wants to assure those persons needing thes drugs for other treatments would not run short.

These drugs have been in "long term" use for years and easily produced in quantity. Would I be dvs in thinking the very agency(s) responsible for the health and welfare of US citizens is now in CYA mode.

Be well everyone, think positive, better days are coming.

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