2020/04/09 18:51:28
Clint S
Here is the latest executive order. People still dont get it and are hanging out with a buddy on a boat just because they feel good. Then they look for any loophole to continue just like many guides did. They knew their business was not essential but hey if I feel fine and they feel fine , we can do this there's a loophole. I have seen countless pictures on facebook with people doing this, I am sure 2 grown men do not live together when they are married and have kids. It's too much to ask the DEC or police to make sure every person on a boat lives in the same house. Then these people also have to stop and get bait, stop and get fuel, stop and get snacks. That's 3 nonessential stops putting more at risk.


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2020/04/09 19:55:42
hot tuna
Clint, I agree things are different . Anyone operating a non considered esential business doing loophole things should be in violation. Those who are actually taking their buddy fishing in a boat not for hire is hogwash to disallow that. I'm a neutral towards politics but theses are infringing on civil rights in a democratic nation.
I have all intentions of fishing with my friends this striper season no matter the roadblocks enacted. Public gathering and usage is one thing to have control over but private property or public waterways whomever we allow to access should not be a government decision as an American.
If they want to lockdown marinas and public launches, that's fine.
2020/04/09 21:20:28
Clint S
Rich although I hear what you are saying and really cant disagree, it has a purpose and people should be willing to abide without government enforcement . As of now you can be fined in NY up to 1k for breaking social distancing guidelines. If we do not abide this virus can and will spread. NYC is a result of people in close proximity of each other. It only takes 1 to infect 10, 10 to infect a 100 and 100 to a thousand. People should voluntarily abide for the health of everyone and not be selfish because they cant do something they enjoy. 99.9% of fishing is not for sustenance and not essential. Again I have little Issue of going alone or with family , but I would NEVER EVER put a friend at risk because I want to have fun . It is a very thin line
at this time being tread, and our health and liberty are teetering let's hope both do not fall by the wayside
2020/04/10 05:18:12
How about liquor and lawns being legal? They JUST closed golf courses as of a day or so ago. The barn I'm working on is on a farm and is considered essential. Nothing much makes sense,  use your head and it should suffice.  The stairs down to the wall , and the wall itself, are less than  5' wide. Avoid them at all possible costs.  The paths along the river are pretty narrow, sounds sketchy and selfish to go anywhere along it.  Tempted to stop in the store on the way home? You should be shot.  Judge not less ye be judged.   I take my temp four times during the day. First sign is a spike above the normal .8  range F.  I'm at extreme risk and was declared terminal 5 weeks, think I might be careful?

2020/04/10 06:58:57
hot tuna
After the layoff and even prior we are working. Most all the jobs we do require minimum 2 people. The vehicles we use to get to and from the work site have 2 -4 people in the trucks. Social distancing, not a chance but its considered essential work and are not breaking any laws. I think your misreading into the 6 foot recommend guidelines as opposed to mass gatherings which are subject to civil penalties.
If there is a law in this country that states I cannot hug or shake a friends hand if mutually agreed, then whomever passed that law should be unAmerican and their citizenship in a democratic country stripped.

I totally understand the concerns and get what's happening and what's trying to be done but NOBODY is going to take away my civil rights in this country.
I will fish with my friends.
If gosh forbid my mother is ill and on her death bed, I WILL be by her side holding her hand. If necessary they would have to physically restrain and put me in jail to stop that from happening.
2020/04/10 08:51:37
Clint S
I just want to put it out there that I dont agree with the closures, because yes common sense should prevail. As far as distancing at work, if the job is essential and you need to be in a truck, it is essential. The guidelines state gatherings of ANY size are not acceptable and outdoor activities should be limited to activities where you have NO close contact with others. End of life visits are exempt . Here in the hospital there are no visitors whatsoever except for end of life. I wont argue about the legality of them. As far as being judged I have not been withen 50 yards of anyone when I went out , not on the bank or stairs, I left once when there were 5 people there . My wife and I have only gone to get scripts 1 time. No other trips to stores period. My bro gets my groceries and essentials and leaves them on the steps. I work in a high risk place and will not put others at risk to have fun even though it is my "right " to do so. 1 person can make a difference in both directions of this
2020/04/10 10:15:42
hot tuna
I have zero worries.
I'm fishing with friends and thankful to have good friends. This is what makes people come together, not seclusion.
Close all the launches they want, my boat is on private property now in the water. My friends 16 foot v hull goes in tomorrow.
They will have to pry rods and guns from my cold dead hands before I give up my rights to freedom or provisions to my family


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2020/04/10 12:56:22
good luck with that- hope you and yours  stay well-
 whoever your with you are also (germ wise) with everyone they have been with recently as well as with those other folks recent contacts.
Like tipping over a row of dominoes.
Kinda the purpose of social distancing.
Inconvenient -yea-but it works.
Might not be right up there with our 'rights' but certainly with our  responsibilities IMHO
 social distancing is the reason for the title of this thread.
2020/04/10 13:29:41
hot tuna
I will rant here .
Does everyone just isolate themselves ?
Never going out in public at all or interaction with public like shopping or getting gasoline ? I'd have to venture not.
Are people taking 100% social distance and wearing 100% ppe ? I'd venture to say less than 1% are totally committed. I try to limit interaction with strangers but have no choice but to interact with coworkers.
So given the fact I'm exposed 99.9% of the time as a requirement of life ,remember my wife , daughter, son and son in law are all public servants, then why then should I limit myself to good people I trust and many with my life.
I'm going fishing and may god help us because we are being led like sheep.
2020/04/10 19:49:44
Perhaps a generational thing Rich, My wife is 68 and I'm 72 with some of the 'issues' they say 19 preys upon.
After a serious health scare lasting a few weeks in mid Feb through mid March  have become rather anal about following the 'rules' of distancing for self protection.
We  have become hermits lately.
Not getting together with kids or other family- much less non relatives at all for many weeks now.
Already have received a notice from my med supplier saying one of the things I am on a couple of times a day is getting in short supply because its used in 19 therapy.
Glad to be on it already- lol- but scarey times for some of us.
Even with this 'peak ' happening in 2 or 3  weeks here  it will likely be a long slide back down lasting at least as long as the upturn.
Might not be even close to normal for us till Summer.
Still wondering If we already had it and got by- gotta wait for the tests to become more available to find out.
If it wasn't that it was something I never had before- similar- but worse- with the addition of  fever and sore throat.
Get a good case of bronchitis bout twice a year and cant breathe but this one was a doozey- oh well still here complaining.

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