L-13. I think what we, at least me , are trying to say is we don't believe and sometimes disagree with every piece of paper that gets pushed across the table as real. I think your getting flack because you seem to agree this as word of gospel and discount the people who dispute these papers from experiences.
I've fished the battenkill once or twice too but I'm not by any means to comment on the fishery. Instead only take the words of an experienced angler not a report on paper that may include a special interests group or a few anglers that reported to the dec they caught fish on their trip.
Same goes for streams I frequent.
We've discussed the great lakes fishery in length. There's good reason I haven't visited there in 2 years to tributary fish. Yes, I miss the lake fishing because its been a great game in town now.
You yourself have not posted anything promising on the tributaries themselves so am I missing something ? It's going to get very interesting to see what happens in the next 5 years if I'm still alive due to these paper pushers cutting stocks and claiming natural reproduction is the way
Of course I know the SR hatchery doesn't raise Atlantic salmon but I also know it dumped a bunch of funded money to watch and see how many Atlantic salmon returned to the hatchery via cameras , monitors and hardware. There was a huge promotion of promise when 4 Atlantic's were captured on camera. How's that equipment paying back now to the public ?
The only dispute of posting a discussion to the moderator would be posting stupid YouTube videos of a huey spraying gunfire on a village. If you can't tell the difference then shame on you