Pork I just signed on to my Navionics account and yes my account expired so I must pay $14.99 for the update if I desire.
I'm with you when it comes to paying for an APP but I find the Navionics to be worth while. Heck when I was in Gulf Shores I pulled the APP up on my phone for the local lakes. The only downfall is using my phone, watching a small screen and keeping the stupid battery charged.
I did see the APP has "Bluetooth" capability so it should connect with sonar units having "Bluetooth" and I'm hoping computers/tablets too.
I too paid $10.00 for my first APP and no further charges unless I want the update. I did let my account lapse so I don't know if the update would have been cheaper had I stayed active.
Another nice feature with the APP is being able to pull up your favorite lake while sitting in your easy chair (or waiting for one's better half at the hair salon) and plan your next fishing trip. I find areas I think might be productive (and they usually ain't) mark them and the APP will take me right to them. Also, I have searched areas on the maps I am familiar with and so far, I have found the maps to be accurate.
Features include uploading information for others to see such as obstacles or, laying a trolling route right into the fish habitat getting me snagged. lol Seriously though, a guy can find all kinds of info provided by other anglers. Not so sure I believe all those areas marked on Pymie labeled "walleye" though.