2015/10/28 00:06:21
Seeing bucks but all are on my 2 camera's in middle of night😡 Nothing yesterday morning but did see couple doe almost dark working their way though the thicket. Have 4 bucks on camera 3 shooters for sure and 4 scraps near my stand all within About 80 yds or so from stand even used a drag rag but nothing interested. Even have a couple bucks locking horns in camera too ... If that isn't bad enough got a dang tick that decided to drill a dang hole in my leg.. Managed to get it out , red & score as hell called Dr and got a prescription for meds... So I'll be good to go Friday after all this rain ...good luck !!!
2015/10/28 07:09:01
Knew I was going to regret not getting into a crossbow and archery this year.  Wednesday of early muzzle around 6:30 pm crashing coming in behind me.  I turned slowly in my stand and made out head movement thru the pines.  Knew that was a buck making a rub.  I waited and he walked out 10 yards broadside from me and rubbed another tree and pawed the ground.  Big bodied deer, at least a 6 with thick beams.  All I could think was D'oh!  The following night twin yearlings about 40 yards from me in the thick stuff.  Must have lost their mother that day cause they were dumb.  I even talked to them while trying to get pics.  They looked up at me and instead of bolting continued feeding and eventually laid down and slept for about an hour.  They woke up, yawned, stretched and peed and before they sauntered off, did a little marking of territory by flicking their tails and spraying more pee.  Doubt they're going to make it past gun season, especially that first Saturday.  Never did get my doe but saw my first buck actually making a rub and scrape, and watched 2 little lost deer trying to make it without mom. 
2015/10/28 20:43:55
Geeeez mopars that just don't sound like a 'hole' lot of fun, hope ya heal up quick like.
Made it back out to the tent this evening and saw a couple of deer at the far end of the corn field just before 6:15 pm.  Sun was all but setting and with the overcast skies it was just too dark, at that distance to see what, it were, they was.  Stupid deer!
Weather dude says mild temp.s for the am and little to no rain expected but, windy so I'm thinkin, some highchair first thing in the morning followed by, some still huntin followed by, a nap before heading back out for more, still huntin in the afternoon.  
Having seen the deer coming and going in the same area around the same time each evening, I'm gonna put on my charcoal impregnated smell me not gutchies,  followed by my look like a "Real Tree" pants and shirt then apply make-up to my face so I can, go stand beside the cornfield and pretend I'm a bush!
It may not get me a deer but, I'll be ready for Halloween!  
Good luck to all and to all, have a ball!
BTDT said that
2015/10/28 21:09:07
I dropped a dandy yesterday morning at 8am. the first deer I saw in 5 outings. I knew he was there and where he was bedding, I just had to put the time in and catch him moving. I got several pics of him last year and this year. I don't know how to post the pics on here. I can email them to somebody if they could post them for me?
2015/10/29 18:12:51
Congrats on the dandy akitadog.... Going to get back at tomorrow ... You can use photobucket to post pictures here ...kinda pain though until you get the hang of it ....good luck
2015/10/29 18:19:58

Didn't put this one on the ground a car did .... Sucks but crap is going to happen. Saw this yesterday about maybe a mile from where my stand is... Hoping he is not one that has been showing up on my camera's ... Going to check them tomorrow...

BTDT ..... Feeling better going to get back at it .....Good Luck everyone ...
2015/10/29 19:10:28
seems slow in my neck. both 2b and 2f, went pheasant hunting today. Did very well
2015/10/29 20:27:47
Mopar good to hear your doing better but after seeing that picture................  I don't feel so good.
Emanso, good to see you back, thought maybe ya broke your puter or, maybe you was tooooo busy baking them cookies we heard about last summer.  Congrats on the pheasant; after hunting deer tonight, I'm thinkin that may be a better deal, at least until the PGC starts stocking white-tails.
Saw one Bambi scurrying around like it didn't know the area and I was hoping a buck may have busted a group of doe and I would soon see more deer.  Welllll I'll just tell ya what, it didn't happen........... stupid deer.  I mean how long do these four legged creatures expect a guy to hang around in a tree before they mosey by and take a shot with a pointed stick? 
Anyway, used my tree climber for the first time, in probably 10 years, and it's likely to be longer than that before I use it again.   Climbed the tree, resembling a cub bear wearing boxing gloves, and got situated (as in able to breath normal, once again).  Wind was blowing pretty hard and had the trees swaying considerably.  One minute I would be facing west, the next minute I was facing southwest than back to west again.  I must have looked like a dad-burn weather vane in variable winds and, I was sure glad I only climbed half the height of the 10 ft. I normally do.  Don't get me wrong I'm not afraid of height in the least bit, if ya fall, it's that sudden stop at the bottom I don't like.
Your friend and mine;
2015/10/29 20:45:08
BTDT.... still laughing about the weather vane 😉 Now that is one reason I didn't go out tonight, never really liked climbers myself have always used ladder stands. Also trying to vision a bear cub with boxing gloves climbing the tree .... Lol.... You have made my night !!! Hopefully the wind is better tomorrow ....
2015/10/29 21:04:01
My son just called--------" Hey Dad"
"That big buck you are looking for"
"Um. he is standing in the front yard!"
"Yep, he's alone and walking around looking for you. He's about 20 feet off the front porch.
 I hoped you were home, so you could look outside and see him"
"Nope, still at work"
STUPID DAM BUCK....forgets I am off Mondays and Tuesdays.....................GEEZE

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