2015/10/14 13:05:24
Could have ended it on a 16" 7point the first hour of the first day and again yesterday morning on a 15" 6 point with no brows. Both under 17 yds. Had a few does in but nothing real exciting. Don't know what happened to the two good ones I was watching. Happens every year. I may have tracking snow for Sat.
2015/10/15 21:08:34
Been really slow for me. Seen a few little does. Have not had a good shot at a mature doe yet. Only seen one small buck and not many bucks on my cameras. 
2015/10/15 21:23:27
Had a doe and fawn come up to me at 15 yards then a 6 point came and started chasing the doe around.  Was cool.  The buck chasing the doe and the young one following behind.  Earliest I have seen a buck chase a doe in my neck of the woods.
2015/10/15 22:02:42
It was to long to put here check out my new thread in the archery section, sorry to screw this up
2015/10/16 11:44:38
S-10, time to take an hd camcorder or good camera out there with you and get some pics...
I am just glad I have 11.5 days of vacation left.  Have only been out 3 evenings so far and have only seen doe...
I am going to try and find some time to scout out a new area this weekend (in between all the kids activities). 
Some of my old haunts just don't look like they will do it this year.
Good luck ya'll...
2015/10/16 14:36:41
I bought a good camcorder when I retired and tried it for awhile but it wasn't my thing. I was  always afraid a good buck would bust me taking pictures of something I wasn't hunting and just didn't want to be bothered when scouting or hiking. Sure have missed some great shots over the years by not carrying one though. Bleated in a 3 point today.
2015/10/16 23:03:48
I went..............  I saw................... I came home............  Stupid deer................! 
Might of done me some good to of had some antlers to rattle, a doe bleat, or a grunt tube today but, I didn't.  Stupid deer....!
If I would of had my deer blind on the other  corner of the corn field I may have had a buck........ I didn't.  Stupid me.......!
End..................  of stupid story!!!!!!
2015/10/17 03:26:34
Big Tuna
Although I wish could have hunted early,due to work I've not been out,but things are about to change.  One on my spots is covered in scapes. Sort of surprised me but it is the 16th October,I killed 125 inch there on the 19th of October a couple of years ago.By Monday I'LL be in Pa.or Ohio every day till my two buck tags are used. It's my time now. Good luck to everybody.
2015/10/17 20:34:37
I went..............  I saw..................  ho hummm.
Hunted from the blind this morning; that's kinda like fishing in a ice hut where I can stay all cuddly, warm and, not care if I see nothing.  Which is what I did, saw nothing buttttttt, I enjoyed my pop tarts (blueberry) and coffee before returning home (10:00 am) for a nap.
Returned around 5:00 pm, all dressed in my proper attire of orange vest and hat, to do some still hunting and have me a look around.  Picked up and followed a deer trail until I came to an intersection of recently used trails leading back into heavy thorn trees and under-brush.  
Found me a spot in a cluster of cherry trees semi surrounded by heavy green brier about 20 yd.s from the trail intersection where I placed the required 100 sq. in. of fluorescent orange within 15 feet of my set-up.  
About 20 minutes passed and for reasons unknown to me I turned toward the thick growth of thorn trees and under-growth where I saw a deer moving toward the intersection of trails.  Standing ready for the deer to make it's way out of the thickets and into a shooting lane I waited and, waited and, waited...................................... and, waited.
Wind was blowing all day and it was just beginning to settle down where as, it would become calm before gusting and blowing again.  During those periods of calm I could hear noise coming from the general area in which I saw this deer but, couldn't see crap!  I have no idea what that animal was doing but, assuming it just came off it's bed, perhaps it was taking a shower, shaving, brushing it's teeth, fixing dinner, I have no idea.  I just know I waited and, waited and, waited...................... and waited!
Oh welllllllllllllll, Monday will be a new day and perhaps the wind will be from the north which will allow me to stand down trail and watch the deer move up trail the next time.  Stupid deer!!
Good luck to all and hunt safely.
2015/10/17 21:11:44
Had enough snow to track tonight. Problem was, nothing to track.

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