Bear First Strike purchased in 1990, only repair was one string about 12 years ago. Same release, same quiver and just switched to carbon arrows and a D-loop last year. Has a 65% percent let off and the draw weight set at 65 pounds. Let off is getting a bit tougher to hold compared to years gone by but, something tells me that ain't the fault of the bow.
Did buy a crossbow that shoots 20" bolts at 346 fps, has a scope and tack driving capability at 40+ yards. Most likely won't use it during regular or the extended archery season hunting the infamous whitetail. However, bear, turkey and, maybe back in the thick under growth of the bayou while sitting in a ground blind when firearms may be used. Let's face it, if inline muzzle loaders and scopes with a 100 yd range can be used, I have no reason not to try the crossbow.
Dardy you are absolutely correct, more and more crossbows are being purchased for harvesting deer with a stick. In my little piece of Penn's Woods, it has become common ( the past few years), seeing bicycles and scooters laying along side of the secondary roads. The devices of travel are, of course, a means of transportation used by the local residents to transport their climbing stands and crossbows to the wilds in search of, the elusive whitetail. Which brings me to the conclusion that; should I chose not to shoot a whitetail, be it with my compound or crossbow, there will be a Dutchman that will.
In closing may I say it will be nice to see the Penn State Game Commission get the stupid Antler Restrictions shoved right up their 'donkeys'! Allowing a person of one age group to kill/take/harvest a antlered deer that is illegal for other persons of another age group to kill/take/harvest is nothing more than, age discrimination.
And if elected President I shall make this my personal project and do sumthin bout it! Oooops wrong soapbox...... sorry!
Congrats on your whitetail Esox, we'll keep ya entertained til ya make it back out.