Had the day off and made it out to the stand at 6:30 this morning to ride out the wind. Right around 7:30 I caught some movent coming from the north side of me quickly. Look, count 3 up on one side, and get ready for him to come in front of me. This guy was on a mission, nose to the ground. Thought he was going to head out about 30yds from me, but he turned and came in 15 yds out broadside. Let out a mouth grunt trying to get him to stop, and he paid no attention. Let out a second loud one ( might as well have yelled Hey Deer! ) and got him to stop. Let the bolt fly, and stuck him right behind the shoulder. As he walked away, my bolt was stuck in him with about 5" still sticking out, no pass thru. Watched him walk away 40 yds, then lost sight in a thicket of briars. Sat for the next hour in the stand worrying that maybe I hit him a little more high and forward than I thought, and hoping he went down. When I finally climbed down and checked the beginning of the blood trail I felt much better seeing the bubbles in the blood. Pulled out, called my father and my buddy josh, and waited. Picked up the trail when they got there, and didn't have to go far. Tracked it about 60 yds and found him piled up. Perfect double lung shot.
At 35 yrs old ( took a hiatus from hunting through my 20's ) this is the first buck I've ever shot. I'm unbelieveably excited and you couldn't slap the smile off my face, but I think my father was actually more pumped than I am. A great day hunting in nw pennsylvania. Good luck to all those still trying to fill a tag. Spent over 80 hrs in the stand this year, and 15 seconds changed everything.