I awoke,
I dressed,
I walked,
I slipped,
I climbed,
I sat,
I shivered,
I gandered,
I peered,
I glanced,
I frustrated,
I returned,
I bewildered,
YEAH.................. WHAT HE SAID!!!! Recorded low, on my thermo-meter said 20.7 for last night, frost sure was purty when the sun popped-up then, all gone. Just like the deer I would say.
Captured a picture of a scrub-buck hanging around my stand at three thirty this morn. and that was that.
Weather dudes saying 100% chance of precipitation by 5:00 am and continuing through noon for my little piece of Penn's Woods. Guess it'll be coffee and pop tarts in the ground blind in the morning.
Mopars, you sure do get some great pictures, is that a scrape you made? Hope that old boy get's anxious about the rain screwing up his scent and comes out early to freshin the scrape while your setting in your high chair tomorrow. Good luck.
Wags, keep your reports coming, makes me feel better.
Best of luck to ya, there's still plenty of time.
Can't wait to see what happens when the stupid deer find out I moved a couple of my stands and, they don't know where.
Eyes thanks, I think a little luck would be just the thing about now.