7:05 AM, Southern 2B
18 yd shot, 50 yd recovery
8 pt although right G3 is broke off and has just about an inch still left.
@ 40 yds, when he stopped after the initial hit, I could see the blood pouring out of him and hear it spilling on the leaves. Got both lungs and a big slice in the heart.
Was really foggy this morning where I was at and when he was coming in, had a tough time scoping him out through the binocs. I knew he was fairly heavy, had decent brows and G2's and definitely saw a G3 on the left side. Put the binocs down and debated...
When he was at 18 yds slightly quartering away, I gave in. The one I passed up last monday would have defintely "scored" higher but this one has more character and his main beams are actually bladed b/w the brow and G2. He was a really heavy deer too, at least 3.5 yrs old. Worst part was, just as he did his death wobble, he fell down a steep ravine..
Got to him a little after 7:30 am and didn't finish up loading him into the truck until 10:30 am and I needed help to do it.