Well this am-----Jack AGAIN
This evening i saw 8-----WOO-HOO
closest were 2 doe at 60 yards........
Saturday not looking good weather wise...
By the few posts -----maybe no one else hunting and deer bedded all day
Over here......... Hey....... WAGS........ Over here!
I'm still at it neighbor; haven't given 'er up yet. I hant seen hide nor hair of a whitetail except in the headlights of my auto. I'll be out in the morning fur shure; hoping the weather change will keep 'em up and moving later into the morning. Plus, the moon will be up earlier into the afternoon sky so, I'm hoping the rascals will be out feeding a little earlier. Wishful thinking, I know, but I'd put my faith in those old 'wives tales' before I'd believe Rosenberry
Got a few pictures, of these animals Rosenberry speaks of, on my field cams just the past two nights and, the Amish kids trapping in a adjoining field have moved their traps (FINALLY) so, the deer are coming back past my stands.
Now, if the PGC would allow (only durin' the last week of late archery) the use of night vision and lasers I might get me one!
Had the heat pump at my house replaced on New Years Eve day and spent all night last night and, a good part of the today repairing my 'puter. Man-o-man it reqiures a lot of time to reclaim a hard drive, reload programs, applications and, drivers but "we got-er done".