2011/11/08 12:12:04
Hey if people want to move rocks around in the water. There are plenty of bank stabilzation project, log diversions ect that TU and different organisations do. And need help with. Or how about just pickin up trash along these streams. THATS AN IDEA!
2011/11/08 12:22:18

Ok, ok I'll knock the SH*T outta of the 1's in tionesta creek. I'm drivin' up that way 2 am. fri morning. Anybody else willing to take care of the 1's on the clarion and blue jay. I will return the rocks to there natural state as part of the geological make up of the stream bed. So that the hippies tree huggers (I meen that in the best possible way) dont get offended.

So will a couple of high water events
2011/11/08 12:28:31
Big Casino

ORIGINAL: Big Casino


your lack of reading comprehension reflects your intellegence

i said "those aren't just little 5 rock stacks"
as is 5 (1,2,3,4,5) rocks in a stack
rather those are elaborate eyesores

again there are more than 5 rocks in each stack

you're joking right?...read and understand

nice picture post... way to keep things in context
I'm sure when someone sees an idiot stacking rocks in a Northern PA creek, the first thing that comes to mind is Stonehenge, Easter Island, pyramids, and Aztec ruins

how couldn't they?
they are in the same class of religous/cultural significance, skill, and timeleeeness

Yeah basically I am joking, because a few rocks stacked in a creek is not worthy of gettin yer panties in a bunge.
but also, you should not make such brash comments about stuff, like it is the opinion of everyone, what you think RUINED the area for everyone, made it more interesting for another, and YES Inuksuks do have the same religious/cultural signifigance for some people.
Vikings built similar structures called cairns, what I think is most interesting about these particular stacking in Tionesta, is that it is kind of a mixture of the two.

but now you have made me wonder how many people, walked past the ancient people of England, who were building Stone Henge or the people creating those carvings on Easter Island, and thought these people are IDIOTS
2011/11/08 13:39:06
i always thought these were done by bored fishermen who were drunk, didn't find the great wild fishing lake they were looking for because they hadn't a GPS. I figured they found a bunch of rocks some idiots died hauling and built it for somewhere to pee since there weren't any trees around.

2011/11/08 14:12:53
dem are tax rocks too.
2011/11/08 14:25:47
the remains of fort krox?
2011/11/08 14:27:39
Big Casino

honestly... i can't imagine a series of posts/ramblings more out of context

2011/11/08 14:37:55
Big Casino

Big Casino

honestly... i can't imagine a series of posts/ramblings more out of context

It isn't your fault, I'm sure it's hard to imagine anything with a closed mind.
but seriously how did any of the posts I make not refer to the ancient act of stacking rocks?
2011/11/08 15:13:27
Everyone needs some form of "release". We yank fish out of their natural environment for recreation. Some folks stack rocks. Maybe they're trying to work out some personal issues. Stemming from the fact that they were never given blocks, or Leggos to play with as a child.
2011/11/08 15:26:32

ORIGINAL: Big Casino
It isn't your fault, I'm sure it's hard to imagine anything with a closed mind.
but seriously how did any of the posts I make not refer to the ancient act of stacking rocks?

closed mind? hardly

trying to associate people stacking rocks in the middle of Tionesta creek to the Mayan ruins, Stonehenge, Easter Island, and the pyramids.... is a line of thought that is delusional at best

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