2013/12/17 10:11:58
My buddy's friend was out on Sugar Lake yesterday.  Don't know any of the details... but Sugar is supposedly "safe"
2013/12/17 10:29:08
Thanks for the updates! Looking like the weekend after Christmas we will have somewhere safe to fish!  Beats second frozen archery season...
2013/12/17 12:13:25
Sat., mid 50's and rain and Sun., calling for 63 and rain here in SW PA.
Be careful.
2013/12/17 15:21:16
Yeah mid 40's and rain Friday Saturday and Sunday up here. It's looking like last year all over again... Freeze and just be about good then warmup with rain and have to start all over again. If it wasn't for all the wind we would easily have good ice by now, but the whole time it was in the low teens and single digits it was 25+ mph winds.
2013/12/18 17:51:21
forecast is calling for a deep freeze after the brief warm-up...If (and that's a big IF) that comes to fruition, the warm-up will help more than hurt by melting/packing the insulating snow on top.
2013/12/18 20:10:15
Yeah that's what I'm hoping for. There enough ice/slush on top that it should insulate the ice and only the edges should get cleared out. Everything is frozen. This is the first time I've seen the causeway even under the bridges and the entire channel of the spillway other than right in the bowl frozen. I just can't believe it's not thick enough to get out on yet. The snow is a double edged sword, it both helps keep ice during slight warm ups but also hurts build ice quickly. Living 30 seconds from the lake I'll keep an eye on it and post reports as much as possible.
2013/12/19 20:17:25
Well that would be sweet if they really did ;-)
2013/12/23 10:17:47

2013/12/25 08:11:16
8*  right before sunup this morning....
Looks like we'll be fishing this week yet.
Sugar Lake should have safe ice soon...again.
2013/12/25 15:06:09
1* this morning at 5am in Linesville on my way to work. Pymy is 99% froze just some open holes that I could see when I just drove over the causeway just now. North end all froze. Starting Sunday night they're calling lows from 9-18 and highs starting Monday 14-24. It's starting to look good! Now if only it'll stay cold! I'll keep everyone updated as often as I can.

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