2013/10/19 12:27:23
Yeah they're about  1/32nd under. I've found lots in fins, bellies and backs.  Must be popular.  I think the ones with a wrap or 2 of yarn really must work. With the proper amount of weight of course. 4  lead  #5's about right? 
2013/10/19 12:43:06
If you are right fichy 1/32 isn't much to bend out on a snag to be past the 1/2 inch limit.
I would be very careful if it were me.
2013/10/19 16:03:45
I measured the Mustad 24007 and 11's I use in the salt- they are a hair under. I checked my Orvis 9304's and they are clearly  over the 1/2 inch. I'd just drop to a 1 or a 2 and have plenty of hook if it were me.
2013/10/19 16:31:32
I'm pretty much a 6 to 2 guy myself.
I had a gammy needle point octo #4 on my cut shanks the other day but am thinking a 2 might be a better bite.
2013/10/19 16:36:27
A word of caution because I had an encounter a few years back with a plain clothes EnCon officer in Pineville regarding the legality of a fly I was using.  I was swinging a big fly that I had tied called a Butt Monkey.   The fly had no added weight except for a set of barbell eyes.  The body and head are made of zonker strips and sculpin wool, once wet hold a great deal of water.  It took my best verbal skills to argue that the fly was in fact legal to avoid a summons.  I did prevail but it took some doing.   
2013/10/19 16:38:34

2013/10/19 16:58:54
TB what was the issue with the fly?
Size of gap?
No material on trailer hook?
2013/10/19 17:30:01
2b, neat vid. That's Andersen below Redding, Ca. I've never fished Kings there, but have caught some great football rainbows fattened up on the eggs.  I miss Norcal.
2013/10/19 17:46:55
Wonder how many years it took to get vid of all those lined salmon?
2013/10/19 23:32:16
Twobob-  The officer insisted that the fly was too heavy.  He asked me to drop it in the calm, shallow water next to the bank and as it immediately sank to the bottom he said it had too much weight. 
The fly/streamer was tied on a #4 Tiemco 200R, no trailer involved, certainly within the guidelines regarding hook gap size.
He went on to say that he was watching me for a while and admitted that I was not lining, lifting or doing anything illegal.  In the course of our conversation he said that he wasn't a fisherman and wasn't sure as he looked through the syllabus while trying to contact another officer.  I showed him the same version of the fly that was entirely dry and plead my case. 
The whole encounter was very strange but thankfully worked in my favor.

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