2013/08/21 20:50:44
Going up to Shenango on Saturday with my girlfriend probably going to spend a bit of time on the wall hoping for a mixed bag, but is there anywhere really worth fishing in the lake from shore that's not nearly impossible to get to?  I have seen the access near the "causeway" (if you want to call it that...  And have fished near the one main launch/rec area and caught a small wiper...  Not looking to spotburn or go fish in someone's honey hole just looking for somewhere other than off the wall at the spillway.  Any info is greatly appreciated.
2013/08/21 23:37:25
*shakes his head, really? Take a hike bro I'm sure you'll find a spot you can call your own.
2013/08/22 08:54:00

Going up to Shenango on Saturday with my girlfriend probably going to spend a bit of time on the wall hoping for a mixed bag, but is there anywhere really worth fishing in the lake from shore that's not nearly impossible to get to?  I have seen the access near the "causeway" (if you want to call it that...  And have fished near the one main launch/rec area and caught a small wiper...  Not looking to spotburn or go fish in someone's honey hole just looking for somewhere other than off the wall at the spillway.  Any info is greatly appreciated.


A lot of people fish the area around the Tera. They have a handicap area there and good shoreline access also. Try under the rt 18 bridge. The fish like that cooler concrete this time of year. Hope you have a good day.
2013/08/22 08:58:04
80.4504W......follow path around the wire.
2013/08/22 20:22:30
Thanks for the info Chauncy and Mika, I don't think i'll ask for any info on shore access again seeing as some people get mad when someone makes an inquiry as if they OWN the whole lake shore...
2013/08/23 19:30:46
One of the pitfalls to communicating in this forum is that non-verbal cues can't be observed and as a result part of a message may be missed altogether or misconstrued as something other than the way it was intended. Mags00, I don't believe it was slabfinders intent to "get mad when someone makes an inquiry as if they OWN the whole lake shore..." Instead, I believe he was attempting to be helpful when he suggested "Take a hike, Bro. I'm sure you can find a spot you can call your own". In other words, put  a little effort into it and you can pretty much have the place to yourself. Perhaps what threw you off was the opening sentence " *shakes his head, really?" In any event, I don't believe slabfinder meant any disrespect. That's my impression of the communication and my belief.
2013/08/23 23:22:55
Golden Run area lots of places along the old road that runs east and west. 846 tressle area also. Drive up the hill and fish the Mahaney launch area stay to the left side thats all no wake zone but there is boat activity.
2013/08/27 18:46:09
Well we did fish the tailwaters for a short (maybe an hour or so) but no luck so we moved on and drove around the lake and checked out some other places, defiantly going to have to wait till the pleasure boaters are off the lake to thoroughly enjoy the places we found.
2013/08/27 19:21:00
At least you got out. Better than sitting at home on the computer....
I've been fishing the river on and off for the past few weeks(well for the whole year for that matter lol) and it's been pretty slow lately. Been getting all the usual stuff(smallies, white bass, wipers, panfish, cats, eyes, etc.) but they haven't been easy, even with live bait.
I was actually going to fish the lake also on Saturday, from a boat, but decided not to to avoid the pleasure boaters. I guess I made the right decision! Was going to fish Mosquito(in OH) instead but decided to head elsewhere instead. 
2013/08/27 21:00:55
We were going to check out Mosquito but opted against it.  Best of the day was my girlfriend caught 3 smallies on the Allegheny near Ford City while we were trying to use up some of the excess bait...  It was a beautiful day on Saturday and was nice to get out just blah for fishing for us at least...

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