2013/10/28 12:55:24
well SC said they were going to be a seasonal site before going dark last year
now my search can't find the server......you suppose brain pulled the plug already for the year?
2013/10/28 15:12:32
its back up...never mind
2013/10/29 06:23:44
was going to say where is two Bob going to post mine and Chip man's fish pics... lol
2013/10/29 19:13:53
A few of my own mixed in.
I thought you wanted or at least didn't mind me posting the pics you sent my way.
2013/10/29 19:23:40
Bob, just some light hearted humor bud... anything to pass these fishless days along :) no prob here at all man
2013/10/30 02:53:03
No prbbies here.
Just making sure we were on the same page.
You noticed I have always said when they weren't my pics.
2013/10/30 02:56:11
Speaking of.
It was hard to get a one handed oic yesterday with the higher flow and a dozen pounds of muscle not happy on the end of the line.

mThe mouthful of intruderish  mess shows up better than I had hoped.
2013/10/30 12:19:11
Looks like you're tying tubers??? Nice one right in the jibber!!!
2013/10/30 13:36:24
!!!  Nice 2b.  Good job on a one arm pic of a good fish. I'd be shaking and trying to land the thing at all costs. I'm lucky I don't fall in , let alone drop the camera.
2013/10/30 15:28:21
Cut shank on a #2 streamer hook dime.
Fichy I was in a bad place with that one.
Too big to force around a current break above me and 
75 yards down to the next likely spot to beach.
Golly I do love high water cause you can use 12# green  for tippet.
I was able to pull that one into some soft water for 13 to snap some pics then handed him the rod while I tried to reach down to unpin it.
Guess it didn't need any reviving because it snapped the 12# like sewing thread when I grabbed it to try for the reach.
Doesn't really show in the pic but it was a solid low teen fish.

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