Thanks 21- I stand corrected on the dog and Deer ticks. Back in the day they told us to be especially cautious of those littler tiny ticks.
After I got a little tiny one in my knee went to the Medi Quick and was fortunate enough to have a DR there for the evening who was working on the Yale Tick Study. Back then it was still kinda new and a VERY scarey thing around here.
Have had many of the larger ones over time that were dug in but never again had the bulls eye.
One of the Grandkids had the bullseye and after several tests was cleared a couple of years back- ya never know .
Ma Nature never gives up trying to ruin nice days afield lol.
Neighbor told me today that someone is suing a Parks dept because of the park deer and the Lyme issue- been trying to find a report on it all day-America.