2014/04/17 09:56:01
OMG!  If you swallow bubble gum it's stuck in your stomach forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is as dumb as the myth that corn kills trout.  It's only there for 7 years.  

2014/04/17 11:03:00
what is the deal with opening day 8 am fishing anyway? Im usually hurting Saturday morning, so I do appreciate the late start... but how/why did it ever get started? Do you like it yes/no why?
2014/04/17 11:44:30
....and its great for cleaning up dirty waders...truly a win win.
2014/04/17 12:10:50
what is the deal with opening day 8 am fishing anyway? Im usually hurting Saturday morning, so I do appreciate the late start... but how/why did it ever get started? Do you like it yes/no why?

The Circus Clown Union will not let them start before 8 am.. 
2014/04/17 23:42:01
Corn fed beef, corn fed Trout ! Palominos are nothing more than Rainbows that ate to much yellow corn !
2014/04/18 00:00:42
I knew a guy who would periodically go the night before opening day and buy a 50# bag of trout chow(from a feed store) and feed the entire stocked portion of the creek near his house.  I don't remember his name, but I do remember he had chronic problems with flat tires and broken windows. 
2014/04/18 05:43:56
If this happens again call fish and game. He is throwing bait before 8am which to me sounds like they might take that as him trying to fish before 8, which is illegal. :)

You've been watching too many episodes of Wardens on the Outdoor Channel.
2014/04/18 20:27:35
Dr. Trout
I preferred diced carrots for "chumming".. the little squares seem to sink slower than corn ... and because of the flat sides on the carrot pieces they seem to stay in one place much longer than those corn pieces that float off with the current ...
I am thinking about trying frozen peas later this summer when the water warms to help de-frost them ...

2014/04/18 22:01:37
I was fishin tues where a stock truck had recently deposited some fish.
Watched a guy all jacked up on "mountain dew" toss spinners and literally rip the fish out of the water,this went on for a while til the dew' wore off.
He then started calming down and started speaking a Dutch like language to his pals. Even had a fancy cell that kept ringing.
Over heard he lives up yonder where u were fishin and he proclaimed at 1 point how corn was his favorite bait,I just chuckled myself thinking of this post.
PFBC showed up later watched him nervously interact with the man...pretty sure he had more than his limit on a stringer but not 100% so I just enjoyed the show.
I enjoy catchin fish,but sum'people need to learn to play by the rules, Silly Human Race!
Another thing I noticed is people fishing with emerald shiners outside of Erie Tribs clueless about the regs...tried explaining it a few times but most were numb to the facts.Problem as I see it is baitshops far away from lake selling emeralds and not explaining where they can and can not be used.
Tonites rant is dun' sory 2 bug ya'
2014/04/18 22:40:09
I was fishin tues where a stock truck had recently deposited some fish.Watched a guy all jacked up on "mountain dew" toss spinners and literally rip the fish out of the water,this went on for a while til the dew' wore off.He then started calming down and started speaking a Dutch like language to his pals. Even had a fancy cell that kept ringing.Over heard he lives up yonder where u were fishin and he proclaimed at 1 point how corn was his favorite bait,I just chuckled myself thinking of this post.PFBC showed up later watched him nervously interact with the man...pretty sure he had more than his limit on a stringer but not 100% so I just enjoyed the show.I enjoy catchin fish,but sum'people need to learn to play by the rules, Silly Human Race!Another thing I noticed is people fishing with emerald shiners outside of Erie Tribs clueless about the regs...tried explaining it a few times but most were numb to the facts.Problem as I see it is baitshops far away from lake selling emeralds and not explaining where they can and can not be used.Tonites rant is dun' sory 2 bug ya'WCW 

There's no law against using emeralds outside of the Erie tribs.

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