2014/03/15 00:35:18
2014/03/15 21:37:42
SAY NO to eliminating H.P. limits and/or adding speed limits.
 I have a large boat with 100 H.p. I wouldn't dream of wanting to use it on this lake. That's what I have my 14' aluminum boat with 7.5 gamefisher.
 It all I need for fishing lakes like this.
 Could you imagine being on your small craft crappie fishing and speed boats and waverunners around you. Been there on larger lakes. SUCKS
 Also, How the heck do you expect anybody to enforce speed limits. JUST PLAIN STUPID
2014/03/19 00:06:57
I'd say mostly from winter die offs. Then the predators help to a better balance,  At least the lake closest near I.

Many states stock the byrds for that very reason.  I am not sure if that is "why" Arthur and Shenango get them, would guess that it is part of the equation.  Being sterile (or 99%), fast growing and not an extremely long life span, they are easy for the PFBC to manage taking over.  That said, they are eating machines and will wipe out other species that weren't intended to be controlled.  To me, beats the heck out of draining and re-stocking.  Do a few years of heavy wiper stocking and see what happens.  They will definitely eat their share of the 1"-10" gizzard shad.  Maybe add Wilhelm to the throw net list?  Not sure if the Amish would keep any gizzard shad for fish patties or not?

Last thing the amish need to do is learn how to throw cast nets.

Shad STINKK";. Great Coon bait & prob. decent compost. Hated to tell my my neighbor (old timer from these parts) when he was gonna flip wanna 'em in the bucket this .
My son took his little o'le fancie Bass Boat up last summer for a 2 dayer & daier & the photos he showed me I woulda'' thought where from some kinda private fishin' club or somethin'.... purdy sure it was first time ever he fished it.
Everybody should have to go catch Salamanders & Crayfish that reads this before u can wet a line this yr....
2014/03/20 09:51:55
 Also, How the heck do you expect anybody to enforce speed limits. JUST PLAIN STUPID

Other states do it.  And that's what the speed limit would be in place for, jackwagon!  You wouldn't have to worry about someone flying past you full throttle with a 150hp.
2014/03/20 11:44:35
Everybody should have to go catch Salamanders & Crayfish that reads this before u can wet a line this yr....

Agree my man!  Dragging my feet replacing my boat floor (partially due to weather).  Got the kids a puppy, now I need to do a few puppy proofing projects.  With that and the weather itself, first day fishing this year, might be night time byrd watching...  Hopefully catch some salamanders and crayfish first!
2014/03/20 11:57:56
And how the hell do you enforce a speed limit when most boats don't have a speedometer....
You set the speed limit at 20mph and my 14 ft with a 15hp motor will break that. How am I supposed to be able to tell my speed ?
2014/03/20 13:39:43
And how the hell do you enforce a speed limit when most boats don't have a speedometer....
You set the speed limit at 20mph and my 14 ft with a 15hp motor will break that. How am I supposed to be able to tell my speed ?

I said speed limit OR no wake.  Motors of any size would be allowed.  10hp and under would be able to operate at full speed while motors larger than 10hp must operate at no wake, idle speed.  Pilot lakes could allow full speed up to 20hp.  Besides, you are missing the one and only one reason that I want motors above 20hp allowed.  It is not for speed.  It is to allow those with a 40hp, a 75hp, a 150hp, etc. to able to fish more lakes without needing a kicker motor.  Other states fishing and boating enthusiasts have lobbied complaining that all should have equal access with reasonable restrictions.  Boaters or fisherman, regardless of the amount of horsepower, contribute to the maintenance and facility development of waterways all around the state through registration fees and excise taxes, but are prohibited from using many of the state’s waterways.  There are also secondary local economic benefits to allowing a more diverse boating population in an area; more business for local restaurants, bait stores, convenience stores, marine services, in addition to increased fuel sales.
2014/03/20 14:24:55
And how the hell do you enforce a speed limit when most boats don't have a speedometer....
You set the speed limit at 20mph and my 14 ft with a 15hp motor will break that. How am I supposed to be able to tell my speed ?

I said speed limit OR no wake.  Motors of any size would be allowed.  10hp and under would be able to operate at full speed while motors larger than 10hp must operate at no wake, idle speed.  Pilot lakes could allow full speed up to 20hp.  Besides, you are missing the one and only one reason that I want motors above 20hp allowed.  It is not for speed.  It is to allow those with a 40hp, a 75hp, a 150hp, etc. to able to fish more lakes without needing a kicker motor.  Other states fishing and boating enthusiasts have lobbied complaining that all should have equal access with reasonable restrictions.  Boaters or fisherman, regardless of the amount of horsepower, contribute to the maintenance and facility development of waterways all around the state through registration fees and excise taxes, but are prohibited from using many of the state’s waterways.  There are also secondary local economic benefits to allowing a more diverse boating population in an area; more business for local restaurants, bait stores, convenience stores, marine services, in addition to increased fuel sales.

If you don't like it, stay in Maryland.....home of commies and socialists!  :-)  pfffttt.....
Your trolling motors work just fine or get a kicker...
2014/03/20 15:37:57
Pork - totally agree lol.
I want to start getting the boat ready but this weather keeps changing my mind every other day! Maybe see you out there on the byrd watching this year, its become my new past time.

Not a bad past time H3!  Hopefully other projects don't jeapordize my byrd watching too much!  I'm trying my best to get it to a daytime thing, but still rather sporatic at best.
2014/03/20 15:46:14
And how the hell do you enforce a speed limit when most boats don't have a speedometer....
You set the speed limit at 20mph and my 14 ft with a 15hp motor will break that. How am I supposed to be able to tell my speed ?

I said speed limit OR no wake.  Motors of any size would be allowed.  10hp and under would be able to operate at full speed while motors larger than 10hp must operate at no wake, idle speed.  Pilot lakes could allow full speed up to 20hp.  Besides, you are missing the one and only one reason that I want motors above 20hp allowed.  It is not for speed.  It is to allow those with a 40hp, a 75hp, a 150hp, etc. to able to fish more lakes without needing a kicker motor.  Other states fishing and boating enthusiasts have lobbied complaining that all should have equal access with reasonable restrictions.  Boaters or fisherman, regardless of the amount of horsepower, contribute to the maintenance and facility development of waterways all around the state through registration fees and excise taxes, but are prohibited from using many of the state’s waterways.  There are also secondary local economic benefits to allowing a more diverse boating population in an area; more business for local restaurants, bait stores, convenience stores, marine services, in addition to increased fuel sales.

So my 15 has 10hp decals. It will cruise at 23 MPH, let me blow by a few big boats with their big motors at idle speed and see how long that lasts.
Slow no wake would be a complete waste of time to even put the boat in the water.

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