2014/03/07 08:29:54
haven,t noticed the speedboaters ,n, pwc,ers show too much interest in the welfare of the fishermen on shenango or conneat so far. in fact, quite the opposite. so i don,t think they can be counted on to help in the improvement of the fisherie, tho i,d bet they,ll help get the h.p. restrictions removed. JMHO.
2014/03/07 12:37:54
Count me in to keep the HP restrictions on Wilhelm.  

Grew up fishing that lake and I am saddened by what it has become.  But, removing HP restrictions would in no way, shape or form help the current issues.  Just my $0.02.
2014/03/07 12:49:05
+1 I don't see removing HP restrictions helping the fishing at all. It may generate more interest but I'd bet for every fisherman newly interested there'd be 3 jet skis or pleasure boaters wanting to use it as a drag strip. "The fishing sucks anyway, right"
2014/03/07 14:35:31
+1 I don't see removing HP restrictions helping the fishing at all. It may generate more interest but I'd bet for every fisherman newly interested there'd be 3 jet skis or pleasure boaters wanting to use it as a drag strip. "The fishing sucks anyway, right"

2014/03/07 14:39:12
2014/03/07 15:29:51
That would ruin that small lake.
Powerboats towing skiiers and tubers, PWC (which should be outlawed in my opinion), wannabe bass pros with their suped up bass boats.Wouldn't bode well for the fishermen.
Kick the amish off of it for a couple years and see if that helps...
2014/03/08 07:31:47
If a lake allows gas motors you should be able to use any Hp,  just idle/no wake if over 20hp.  I would fish Wilhelm and a few other lakes a lot more often.  I like having some lakes reserved just for fishing and no power sports.  Just think I should be able to use my boat and keep the trottle back.
2014/03/08 21:59:43
Bingsbaits: So you are telling me that "wannabe bass pros with suped up boats" are the problem?? Or are you jealous?? Lake Wilhelm is a small lake??? Over 1,700 acres is backyard pond... I agree. Skiing and tubing should be outlawed??? Looks like someone has never been ripped around a lake before on a tube. And blaming the amish for all of our problems.... Great arguements
2014/03/09 09:24:18
abear: please convince us that you wouldn,t "drop the hammer" on your roarsrite 500 hp speed boat , ever, if given the chance on wilhelm. boro: wonder if anyone ever thought to have an amish write a book on fishing, these guys are apparently "fishin machines." i,ve fished around them at wilhelm, shenango, kahle, mahoning, tamarac ,n, elsewhere ,n, they catch about same as anyone else. tho i will say they play pretty loose with the regs.
2014/03/09 15:31:34
Jealous of what ??? Some moron with a higher horsepower than an IQ with a bunch of patches on his shirt... Grow up...Hell go to Pymy when there is a Bass tourny and they only have 30hp.
Obviously you have never tried to fish Shenango, Counneut or Chatauqua in the summertime in a 14 foot boat...
Wilhelm is long and slender not alot of room for morons with the big motors to rip azz around the lake waking the sh1t out of everybody.
Never said tubing or skiing should be outlawed (Reading comprehension maybe) but you can take those PWC and outlaw every dam one of them..
Who blamed the amish for "ALL" of the problems (reading comprehension again) They kill every legal fish and many not quite so legal fish that they stick a freakin hook in.
Let's say we all fish like that keep every dam fish that is legal...How good would your fishing be then ??

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