2014/03/05 19:26:24
Thanks for the heads-up. I will contact Mr. Wasser and see what we might be able to do to try and bring this once great fishery back to a semblance of what it was. I think the Eurasian milfoil has been there for quite awhile..I guess the phosphorous is most likely from agricultural run-of.
2014/03/05 22:19:26
So... what your saying is the way to solve these problems is with money... hmm... just a thought, have the powers that be stop discriminating against a majority of boat owners...unless you feel the Amish might foot the bill and pay for improvements.

IMO this is silly, unlimited hp on Wilhelm would be a mistake.. For one it's fairly shallow in multiple areas if you're not familiar with the lake you'll destroy your prop flyin around in your uhp, secondly it's just a very long and narrow lake, river like in width and would become a madhouse with pleasure boaters.
2014/03/05 23:26:39
I agree with TheBlueLagoon that the lake is too narrow for UHP. There would be too much wake for guys trying to fish either from shore or in a boat. I have a 16' aluminum and have had water come in over the transom thanks to some pleasure boaters on Shenango.
2014/03/06 01:01:20
They should introduce Weevil(insect), they have about a 50/50 chance of removing the milfoil if properly introduced... as for the phosphorous levels, that's basically inevitable for any body of water nowadays.also, im not too sure about opening up the horse power to unlimited due to the depth and width of the lake. Either way, lets figure this **** out and get er goin. i wanna see some big muskies being taken out of there by people other than the super secret cult of muskie fisherman that supposedly " know all the secrets"....  
2014/03/06 08:09:42

IMO this is silly, unlimited hp on Wilhelm would be a mistake.. For one it's fairly shallow in multiple areas if you're not familiar with the lake you'll destroy your prop flyin around in your uhp, secondly it's just a very long and narrow lake, river like in width and would become a madhouse with pleasure boaters.

 Wilhelm is bigger, wider and deeper than many other lakes in the surrounding area that have no problems whatsoever with unlimited HP.  Wilhelm has no development on the shores, so private property would not be damaged and to use the scare tactic of "destroy your prop" is totally ridiculous.  It's called personal responsibility and underwater hazards are a risk no matter where you go.  My feeling is that the only reason you or any other person would be against this would be because you don't want additional pressure on your little piece of PUBLIC property.  That is fine, just stop whining about the problems the lake is having and fix it yourselves.  I don't feel that a single penny of my license and registration fees should go toward helping this lake until you open it up to where everyone is allowed to use it equally. 
2014/03/06 09:43:04
Wilhelm is bigger, wider and deeper than many other lakes in the surrounding area that have no problems whatsoever with unlimited HP.  Wilhelm has no development on the shores, so private property would not be damaged and to use the scare tactic of "destroy your prop" is totally ridiculous.  It's called personal responsibility and underwater hazards are a risk no matter where you go.  My feeling is that the only reason you or any other person would be against this would be because you don't want additional pressure on your little piece of PUBLIC property.  That is fine, just stop whining about the problems the lake is having and fix it yourselves.  I don't feel that a single penny of my license and registration fees should go toward helping this lake until you open it up to where everyone is allowed to use it equally. 

which lakes are you referring to with Unlimited HP, Conneaut? it's also a zoo and is pretty much unfishable with anyone in a smaller boat in the summer on weekends. If you want to zip around with your 150 HP go to the river or Conneaut lake and join the crowd.
"My feeling is that the only reason you or any other person would be against this would be because you don't want additional pressure on your little piece of PUBLIC property"
well you couldn't be more off base pal, I live in Pittsburgh and travel a good distance to fish Wilhelm occasionally, I could care less, how many people fish Wilhelm or when they fish it. Just because I disagree with your idea of UHP, doesn't mean I don't want people to fish Wilhelm or the lake to improve.
It's also more of a discussion then whining, but hey it's your opinion, I can respect that.  By your logic all fisheries should be UHP, that's ludacris IMO. I'm sure when you bought your boat, you recognized that in the state of PA most of the lakes have a HP restriction of 20 some are even 9.9 or electric only. If you have an issue, buck up and buy the kicker.
2014/03/06 11:11:25
Lets see... First, Conneaut is a zoo because of the PWC and pleasure boaters that live on the lake, that said, there is a ton of money dropped into the lake and it is healthier than Wilhelm... Crooked,  Shenango, Tionesta are examples of lakes that are a few of the local lakes along with Mosquito across the border.  I typically run either to Erie or out of state over to Ohio, up to NY or down to WV and KY to fish some of their waters.  The thing is, guys come on here and want the lake to be better than it is.  Simple enough, either fix it yourself (go start a "save Wilhelm Foundation) or bring others in to help with the cause.  If I wanted to run a 9.9 I certainly could (less than $1500).  I spend more than that in gas to travel from state to state each year and never have to worry about "stupid" restrictions the likes of which PA tries to put on sportsmen.  Don't even get me started on Pymie... what a friggin joke.
2014/03/06 19:33:40
I feel horsepower restricitions are ridiculous. I know why they are enforced and I like that some lakes have zero waterskiing and no wakes... but why not enforce a "no wake" for engines larger than 10 or 20 h.p.. That's the way leboeuf is and I think that solves almost all the problems.
2014/03/06 21:18:10
Wait a sec here boys and girls..I thought we were tryin to figger out what can be done to eliminate the gizzard shad, eurasian millfoil and phosphorous problems & to try and restore this once great fishery...now were talkin about opening the lake to unlimited horsepower ...am I missin something here ??
2014/03/07 00:15:08
The topic is "Lake Wilhelm needs help".  I think "improving" the horsepower restrictions on that lake would "help" wilhelm.... very on topic. If the horsepower restrictions were eliminated or even improved, means more people could access that lake, including me. So, if more people would boat on that lake, means that more people would be aware of it's problems...and would want to help out and make changes.

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