I've had every species hit surface for a fly throughout my time. Not always streamers though. Usually in tail outs of drifts while fly is skating slightly below surface. The two that take the cake for me are a brown and coho. Both in the joss hole coincidently. The ho was mid December on a blue extaz with blood red crystal flash pulled from the front over the back and tied off with a tail. It was high water and was dead drifting from the north bank in head of joss hole letting it swing straight down in the oxygenated pocket rolling over the slate. about a 12# beat red male crushed it nose first and can.e right out of the water.. lost it as I wad using 5 or 6# maxima and didn't stand a chance. Awesome is an undrstatemdnt.
The brown was in the tail out with a wooly bugger no weight. It was my first outting ever with a spey rod in 1999... stripping line out and getting the fly out, while still dry and floating on the surface a 5# brown crushed it right off the surface. My brother and I looked at each other in shock for a few seconds then I proceeded to land the fish.
My son had a coho crush his yarn fly this past august with no weight on. The thing came right out of the water...straight tight lined tail out of drift...
Steelies in tail of town pool February 1992... crushing black extaz on the strip in of the tailout... a top 5 day of my time for sure... kings here and there through the years.
Steelies post spawn in may 2007...late may ...the first year they implemented no weight rule after may 1st??? They took severe inticing but once again they struck on the straight downstream from almost tickling their noses with a maribou tail... took 3 fish in two days of target...
Yes it can be done all year round with various patterns
Neaphyte... great to keep the kids involved...tight lined brother!