many times i find that i am fishing in what most consider elbow to elbow, for the most part i don't mind doing that realizing that to fish that way requires a "dance" to get your drift and not interfere with or be interfered that said
my idea of a hog (with respect to water) is what i found last sunday morning on the SR....i was fishing a float as were all of the others spaced about 20ft apart. then the guy 3 up from me decides that those of us down the hole are getting more hits so he starts doing uncontrolled hero drifts with his center pin rod held high giving an arching line that blocks the hole for a good 90 ft , the only way to fish while he is doing his drift is for the three of us to cast over his line and accomadate him (i'm not bashing pinning here, i was also using a cp). so, luckily i wasn't the one that ended up in a tangled mess with his gear and after the guy one down from me and the hero had some words he decides to low hole everyone, then 5 of his buddies show up and start pushing up into the hole....that is water hogging
as for being opposite one another it depends on the circumstance, in most cases its fine (again requiring a dance)
Its awesome to have water to yourself, but in most cases it ain't happening on the tribs, so i just take it in stride as much as i can
what bugs me more is the azzholes who think they need to wade into a hole to fish it, them i'll snag. :)
can you tell i'm alittle bored too, waiting for quitting time?
btw, i have pzzed people off not intending to by fishing in a way i thought was acceptable but they took offense....the one that sticks in my mind was on an erie trib, with only one hole to fish, i have fished it with as many as 30 guys on the hole...i came in one morning before daybreak, as i was making my way from down stream to it, another group was coming in from upstream...they got there maybe a minute before me. i let them get spaced and tied up my rod (they were spaced across the whole hole at about 20 ft intervals) so, i picked the spot i had been the day before, walked over, and waited for daylight to start casting....the guy downstream from me blows a gasket....start b itching me out and asks if i am really going to do the mean time atleast 5 other guys work in between his other buddies without a word...i said yes, we had a discussion where he expressed his displeasure and i told him he must not fish this stream often as we are not that close....he starts a monologue about what an a-hole i am etc etc......then he about crapped when two guys slid in between the two of us....i felt for him as they tangled up with him all morning