2013/11/19 15:59:58
spot on- LOVE those guys that keep fishing when someone has one on right near them.
2013/11/19 16:52:25
Don't they realize that most of the boat clients now are paying for a 200 yard cab ride to schoolhouse and the barrel and then a nice ride to Pineville?  I give them as long as the tax credit lasts, as Tuna says, and then they'll be another Fat F****** Snagger, and the state will take the hit for the bailout.

That's true! Randy Jones, George Obrien, and God knows how many others park there regularly. Thing is, now they can just slide across, fish their sports and slide back to the other side and let them go get their gourmet  lunch and cocktails , or switch out sports.  Just a dry platform to fish from and someone to tie knots . First time I came to the SR in the winter was with one of my millionaire customers. I had taken him out with a friend striper fishing and it was hilarious. He set up a gourmet picnic spread on the bow of my friend's Action Craft right  in the middle of a blitz. My friend told him we'd fished together hundreds of hours and he had never even  seen me eat.Later that year,  I made the mistake of telling him I was going for steelhead and he had me get a guide and take him, too. The guide treated me like a lackey (that's alright- I was the tipper and he got squat!) and made me wade while he kissed the azz of Mr. 7 to 8  figures.  He kept whining about his cold feet and set his boots to smoking on the heater at least twice. He never left the boat! I waded the whole day.  Tailgrab Jail is perfect for people like this. 

2013/11/19 22:53:50
So Lucky, I suppose you don't use any lead that most likely was purchased in Pa. What a stupid attitude towards us POS guys from PA. I just might stop picking up beer cans and DD coffee cups and start depositing my no deposit bottles and cans on the banks of YOUR river. IMO Canada sucks and I would never spend a dime in their country. I suppose you would be all for a day of the week for  New Yorkers fishing only too................sorry for the rant, but this kind of attitude is BS..........
2013/11/20 07:02:24
Lucky can defend himself, but he singled out LITTERBUGS from Pa. that bring non-returnables. NOT,  someone who either doesn't throw trash or picks it up, like yourself. Thanks for doing it.
2013/11/20 07:12:24
Clint S
Kieth if you do not leave cans on the river I do not think his post was pointed at you.  we are equal opportunity litter bug bashers here.  It only takes one or two folks to ruin it.  I have seen more than my fair share  of non deposit cans on the bank and folks are less likely to take them or pick them up.   If you do Thank you.   There are plenty of Redneck New yorker locals that are litterbug ****hats too
Back to the rotation thing.  It all boils down to I you were not fishing the "good seam"  would they let you in to rotate if they were there first and hooking up. 
2013/11/20 08:04:35
hot tuna
Once again for me. If I have to be forced into a rotating fishing senerio then I'm done . I would never fish any of those so great rivers that the rich folks do in rotation or beats. I could care less if it were free and if there were the most exotic fish in the world.

Timing a cast on the SR is one thing if it gets busy. Casting then taking 3 steps down in the conga line is another.
Not gonna happen and I have heard ( Spey nation ) guys say that's why the SR is not better to fish .
Fishes just fine to me,
2013/11/20 09:41:10
maybe the spey guys and the sit and rotate guys need to stick to places like the dsr and tail hook jail
2013/11/20 09:53:16
I've found most a-holes down in dsr to be Pinners... they lock their spots up not letting anyone in but flee towards your spot if you're hooking up... had it done to me quite a few times... let's face it... litter bugs, greedy hole hoggers who make it hard to time your drift... arrogant fukkerz who think their money spent in the economy a few times of year makes them king... yada yada yada... they come in all shapes sizes and colors...from all different states and countries... I don't think a mandatory rotation would ever work... just like our government... its never gonna work :)
2013/11/20 10:24:47
hot tuna
Again I have to say, the SR has ALWAYS had crowds.. Thing I noticed over my time is... More boats, longer rods and so called elitist (specialized) fishermen..
True rotation of a run/hole is totally out for my style of fishing, the last words above... If it ever became the mandatory then I would NEVER go back there..
Rotating in and out of a spot is fine with me and I have often offered a seat on the bench if I see someone is struggling..
The days of O'dark thirty  to get that prime spot are waning for me..
If anything, I think enforcement should be 1/2 hr before sunrise before anyone is allowed on the banks of the river..
Quite right db, PIGS come in all shapes and sizes..
2013/11/20 10:36:13
hot tuna
Know it belongs in the OT but maybe this is how rotating should be :

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