Nice thread- polite gentlemanly subject-
Have often moved outa a decent spot and given it up after a fish-heck- even without a fish- especially for kids or somebody who appears new- but generally after having spent a decent time there and decide to give the next guy a chance.
Have even re-rigged (generally removed a pound or so of weights) for folks who wanted advice and were luckless even with many fish around--given them gear and flys too.
Unfortunately the opposite happens far too often- They horn in on ya and even walk right under your rod tip into the pool or little water you are fishing. SLOBS ABOUND.
When ya say - like minded Charlie - I get it and like the concept-
Only at the right time with the right folks.
When I get pushed or crowded - I bug out for other waters- even though they may not be where I prefer to be. Gentlemanly rotation seems a far away dream.
Sad commentary--Heck ya would need a 'pool captain' or 'bouncer' in most places to monitor and referee the arguments about who was where in line and for how long - lol.