2013/11/18 15:40:26
A few weeks ago, I was approached by a Spey fisherman who explained that he and his buddies wanted to rotate the pool and he wanted me to move out of the seam I was fishing to accomadate them. I told him no f'in way- that when I hooked a fish, I'd move, but not til then. Problem was- there was fish 10' in front of me and these guys were beating the living crap out of the fishy seam and casting to and swinging  kinda wasteland transition water. If I had gotten out, the water I intended to fish would have been beat to a froth. As it turned out, I hooked the best chromer of the year for me and landed it. Good as my word, I left. This seems to be the coming future of the river. I hear it mentioned more and more. As the crowds for steel grow, people want to rotate the pools for everyone to get a chance, at least in theory. I know how this works- done it  , but that was with a smallish group of like mind. I know it's been done already on the SR many times, but not as a general rule.  Do you think this can work with mixed techniques and styles? Pinners and swingers and dredgers, all in the same step down mode?
Lot of experience here, I'd really like to hear people's opinions-
2013/11/18 16:13:52
Did it a few years back in mid January with my father and three other guys in the middle section of the lfz... you know, the deep trench just below the tree and the flat transitional water below it. I managed to squeeze in with my father and we were hooking up. The three gentleman suggested the rotation gig. We went for it. Techniques differed and varied but it worked well as it was a different presentation offered to the fish that were lying in the area. We all managed to hook a good number of fish on this Sunday morning. The one gentlemen even took a pic of a fat hen I landed and emailed it to me. Now, realize that these guys were pure gentlemen and skilled fishers so the ingredients were just right. Do I think this can always work, NO!!!! I often opt out when it turns in to that. Kenny, his brother, glen... if you guys are following here; it was a pleasure fishing with you guys that day and thanks for emailing the pic glen...

As you said fichy, with tight nit groups it can be achievable...

Since you mention spey casting and frothing... I have to say I don't understand it. Seems as if many folks strive for that ridiculous water peel that does exactly what you say: "froth"... when trying to present a fly, I strive to have as little impact on the water as possible for obvious reasons... it seems many folks are skewed in to peeling the water a little too hard. Another thought, I don't understand these shooting heads for spey casting... I hate the drift they give and they are so thick before the running line section that they are often rough on the water ... traditional 110' wf or dt,'s have always been my choice in floating line...neutral colors like white... the traditional lines I find are lighter on the water and allow your d loop to load half way off the water rather than on it...which prevents that nasty froth...
2013/11/18 16:14:41
Nice thread- polite gentlemanly subject-
   Have often moved outa a decent spot and given it up after a fish-heck- even without a fish- especially for kids or  somebody who appears new- but generally after having spent a decent time there and decide to give the next guy a chance. 
   Have even re-rigged (generally removed a pound or so of weights) for  folks who wanted advice and were luckless even with many fish around--given them gear and flys too.
 Unfortunately the opposite happens far too often- They horn in on ya and even walk right under your rod tip  into the pool or little water you are fishing. SLOBS ABOUND.
 When ya say - like minded Charlie - I get it and like the concept-
 Only at the right time with the right folks.
 When I  get pushed or crowded - I bug out for other waters- even though they may not be where I prefer to be. Gentlemanly rotation seems a far away dream.
 Sad commentary--Heck ya would need a 'pool captain' or 'bouncer'  in most places to monitor and referee the arguments about who was where in line and for how long - lol.
2013/11/18 16:30:53
hot tuna
Rotating , like pass to the left ?
That is fun with friends but I'm not driving anywhere to rotate my outdoor adventures, well maybe tree stands with my kids ..  If things get tight there is enough other stuff to do in NY .. 80' casts make me cringe on the SR..  
2013/11/18 16:32:40
Gotta tell a story--
 Guy on the opposite side in LFZ a few Winters back- Pool Captain- tellin everyone how to fish even far off folks-tellin and yelling-- lol..
 He left-- and nobody took his spot for a while- he had been hooking  up and I had been skunked so  walked over to his side and started to cast. He had no one within 10 to 15  yards or so on either side of him and it was a nice open spot on a moderately busy winter day.
 Fella about 15 yards up went nuts yelling at me that the Capt had just gone to lunch and I was 'stealing' his spot-couple of others got real interested and I realized they were all together on that side spread wayyy out and claiming half of Kiddie for themselves.
  Went back to the other side and kept fishing- PiZZed but not worth a fight.  Later- when Capt came back from lunch  they loudly told him of my error for all in the LFZ to hear- he loudly proclaimed that this was HIS spot whenever he went there.
 As long as folks and their cronies keep up that Bovine Field Splatter rotation is a far off dream cept for 'special' times.
2013/11/18 16:39:59
hot tuna
r2g2, only been in the lfz for less then 5 years but I know the story well..
If I rolled in (and have) I'd find "my" water and fish it... 
2013/11/18 16:44:44
I have rotated with a couple complete strangers but only after I spent some time getting to know them.It's a nice idea but unless everyone is on the same page it could become a pain.
r2g2,I hope I never get to meet the "capt" up there,it would spoil my day!
2013/11/18 16:47:00
Rt, had bs like that happen to me and my dad back in the middleish 90's. We went down on the north bank just above the bridge in lfz. We saw some rods on the bank and a few guys up from them... so we set ground just below. These guys snarled at us saying their friends had gone to lunch and that was their spot. My father spoke back in a matter of fact manner stating they were out of luck and their spots are taken now since they're not standing in them. As we proceeded to hook some fish, the clown crew reeled up and took their friends rods... I was a mid teens grasshopper so it was all a show for me... but really??? Just like your so called pool captain experience... how can someone assume such superiority??? I mean its only fishing and only a river... and any spot is fair ground. And I agree, fair rotation is few and far in between from actual reality on the salmon river... too much bs.

Tuna... keep your eyes off your darn phone and in the woods before its too dark!!! Lol

Edit: tuna, blast that spike and put some meat in your freezer already!!
2013/11/18 16:48:22
 In my later 60s -a decade or two ago there woulda been a whole lotta ground standing and L/E ---------------------ahhh the memories----
Charlies point is well taken though- how great it would be if everyone was like those participating here.
2013/11/18 17:10:05
hot tuna
Spike lives another day db... Fire burns strong now and aren't we lucky weather wise.... I'm ready for ARTIC !!
Only thing I want to add before bed is that the corwds for steelhead been there in key locations (pre fly zones) for my 35 soooo years.. We are just getting older....

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