2014/03/30 08:54:09
We would always go once or twice, but it's been years. If you wanna see the shallow end of the gene pool, that's the place to be. Stevie and his band of merry men is a sight to behold.. jus say'IN.. If you have never witnessed the spillway in all it's glory, think of Burt Dam to the enth power.
I like the Go-Pro idea but most couldn't care less about keeping fouled fish. These guys get pinched every year and it doesn't seem to curb the illegal activities. Good for you for trying though Frost..
2014/03/30 09:22:26
fishin coyote
I go a couple times a spring......... Just to watch. If I really want to enjoy the view  I'll wear a green jacket with a couple of patches on it and carry my bino's and camera.  It makes a lot of them nervous but does nothing to stop them from snagging. The reward far out weighs the risk/fine if and when caught.
You want to stop it? You start confiscating all their equipment when they get caught snagging or just post it no fishing until May 1st.
2014/03/30 09:30:31
I went up there once a few years ago during the "spillway madness" to see what all the hype was about and had a blast. Didn't even wet a line! They should really put a webcam right there so we can watch from the comfort or our homes...
2014/03/30 10:57:26
Been fishing over 50 years and never owned or fished with a Sonar or Sonar style lure. I've got no use for a double treble hooked weighted lure you jig vertical ! I've seen them in full snagging action years ago in the "Old Pig Pen " up at Trout Run. Far as I'm concerned that lure is the # 1 snagging lure ever made that is considered legal to use!
2014/03/30 12:00:36
fishin coyote
 The reward far out weighs the risk/fine if and when caught. You start confiscating all their equipment when they get caught snagging.

Saw a guy get rung up in NY last fall. I believe they even impounded his truck. Took every piece of fishing equipment he had and threw the book at him. Those kinds of tickets that will curb the outlaws I'd bet. I think the May1st date would be best though. IMHO..
2014/03/30 15:19:54
first post !!!   I always fished the outer side of the spillway, did well with live bait there. Been several years since I stood in the water !  I have used sonars quite a bit , thru the ice & out of the boat ( fished correctly, I caught many more than I snagged )  If everyone would leave with a pocketful of xtra garbage , soon there would be none left !! 
2014/03/31 08:49:43
Those guys are gonna fish there no matter what the fine is. I know a guy thats been fined twice and he's still fishing there. The only way to stop this zoo is to close it down for six weeks but that aint gonna happen.
2014/04/06 20:59:39
Bunch of boats and guys fishing the wire today. Took my son and wife up for a Sunday drive. Guys had some nice walleye on the stringer along the wall.
2014/04/22 21:21:44
Frost- Love your post about having a gopro on your net. Nobody should be concerned about it if they were doing what they're supposed to be doing, but... .
Coldfront- LOVE  the idea of selling coffee and hotdogs at "The Wire"! You'd be performing a service to many there and would probably do well, lol!
The Thursday and Friday before Easter I had work off so I took my relatively young children there Friday for a possible few hours of fishing. It was in the late morning and there were two boats there with a 3rd far out in the lake appearing to be motoring it's way in, but it was still far out in the lake so it could be going anywhere. It did appear to be making a beeline for the Spillway. On shore there were ~ 10 people there, but could have been more as we were just driving past [and kept going], lol. We ended up at a private lake catching 15 decent crappie 10" - 13" plus 5 LMB 10" - 12", nothing to brag about, but the kids were happy and that's all that mattered.
As another has written in so many words, slobbish behavior is pervasive when there is an abundance of fish or game and the Spillway isn't an exception.
2014/04/22 21:30:09
Hats off to everyone that makes an attempt at keeping the Spillway and other places litter free! It is appreciated by many, even if not expressed. It's a never ending task, but for awhile the places look good and who knows? Maybe the behavior will influence others.

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