2008/04/08 18:03:41
Why do they allow people to fish from the spillway? I love to eat fresh walleye but to keep more than you can eat in 1 month is a waste. Freezing them for too long destroys the taste and texture of the fish.
2008/04/08 21:27:41
Vaccum seal, you should use.

Keep your meats and fish well preserved, it does. 

Jedi magic, it is not. 

Use the Force, or use the Seal-A-Meal.  A wise weekend warrior would use the power of the vaccum, he would.
2008/04/09 01:37:45
Bull Lifter
ORIGINAL: Storm Warning 2

I know that between Christmas gifts and the once a week meal of 'eyes my daughter and I eat, we EASILY go through 250 'eyes a year.  I have about 8 or 9# of fillets left from last year and that has to last until mid June or so when the 'eye bite starts heating up on Erie.

I have no problem with anyone keeping fish, as long as they don't go to waste.

two people 250 eyes and 52 weeks in a year... 2.4 fish per person to eat? every week? haha..yeah alright...4 big fillets all consumed in a meal?..either they are the smaller sized fish or you make nothing else to eat but fish....

anyone else kinda care to disagree that he uses them all no waste...none whatso ever? not cook a bunch of eyes...eat what you can..whats left over throw away but not count that as wasting it..? psh.
2008/04/09 04:04:54
Umm........We eat eyes at least once or twice a week.  Typically cook 8 fillets per meal.  If I am lucky I may get one for a leftover for the next day's lunch.  If we assume only one meal a week, That is over 200 fish a year.  That doesn't count the huge meals that I cook at camp and parties throughout the year.  I do give some away, but have no problem going through 400 keepers.   Less in real good crappie and perch years.   Plus the carcasses get used as coon bait.  No waste.
I freeze mine in a ziploc freezer bag full of water.  The meat gets surrounded by water and doesnt get freezer burnt.  I just ate a pack of perch that I found in the back of the freezer from 06 and it tasted fine.
2008/04/09 10:04:36
Hate to say this but, a friend of mine that does not fish, his son, caught a load of eyes in the last 2 weeks and a guy offered him 5 bucks a pound. He sold this guy 50 lbs. of fillets. Not legal! I informed him about this and hopefully his son will wise up. Just wonder how many other people do this or give them away.
2008/04/09 10:07:55
And for an update. Fished from 5-11 last night and only saw 1 legal eye caught. There were 7 boats and 18-20 people near the chain. I was on the rail the whole time, alot of carp, no eyes. Is the run done?
2008/04/09 12:38:19
Storm Warning 2
ORIGINAL: MuskyMastr

Umm........We eat eyes at least once or twice a week.  Typically cook 8 fillets per meal.  If I am lucky I may get one for a leftover for the next day's lunch.  If we assume only one meal a week, That is over 200 fish a year.  That doesn't count the huge meals that I cook at camp and parties throughout the year.  I do give some away, but have no problem going through 400 keepers.   Less in real good crappie and perch years.   Plus the carcasses get used as coon bait.  No waste.

I freeze mine in a ziploc freezer bag full of water.  The meat gets surrounded by water and doesnt get freezer burnt.  I just ate a pack of perch that I found in the back of the freezer from 06 and it tasted fine.

Proof I am not a bull lifter or a bull Sh#%&er. 
Cut the fillets up into bite size chunks and fry 'em.  Its easy to go through that much.
2008/04/09 17:48:06
Bull Lifter
...well storm you said you and your daughter..i still find ithard to believe taht you eat 10 fillets every sitting between 2 people. every week in and out..same 10 fillets.

we usually do cut them up when we eat them.

hah i wasnt talking about carcass being "waste" musky..

thats how we freeze fish too..we'll have some fish left over from year. like you said they still taste fine, i do prefer the fresh.

i just am curious still..i know between 3 ppl im my house..20 fillets of panfish are enough for us. that doesnt equal the eye fillets you are talking about eating in one sitting. we just dont eat fish...we have fries,coleslaw, poppers.
SO question is, do you cook anything else with your fish? or you just eat the fish fillets..
2008/04/09 18:45:19
Fresh is best. Whole scaled fish on the BBQ basted with olive oil, oregano, sea salt and dash of white pepper. Served with halved fingerling potatoes, and asparagus spears steamed and slightly buttered. Beats the hell out of FRIED fillets and french fries over and over again. Also cuts down on heart attacks and the ever expensive 2 or 3XL sweatpants needed by the fish killers on the spillway.
2008/04/09 23:32:57
Big Tuna
Mikastorm,Id say it's winding down at the spillway,may happen if it cools down and rains,but from past years its over when they have their open house.Also to all the big fish eater, I'm glad you can consume 250 -400 eyes a year as long as their used I have no problems,but I still don't think we could eat walleyes that much,I know its great eating but 100 plus dinners a year is to much for me personally,I like a something different once in awhile.I fished Erie  from 79 -92 ,saw the coming of downriggers,wire line,dipsey divers,jets,boards,flat lines,drop weights,I know who to deep water fish,we caught 1000's of eyes, we chased eyes in 3 states ohio,Pa,Ny.we start in Ohio and end in Dunkirk Ny. then head to Olcott Ny for kings,coho's,steely's and brown. All I did was fillet fish( buy a truck load of freezer bags) and give them all away,my family mooched( enjoyed giving it to family and friends,but some people can get a little demanding and always want more.Due to my work,I can no longing fish my summer away.I always supplied the eyes for 3 or 4 huge fish fry party's each summer, and the huge X mass eve fish dinner.I gave 95% of the salmiods away,smoked a little and cold pack a few jars.Back them they had consumption Advisory only on salmon from Ont.,but I always thought the fish from Erie had the same bad stuff in them,and they did put it on the Erie fish later on. In todays good health living are you worried about eating that much fish from Erie? I am ! Same reason I don't smoke,it causes cancer.I you know somthing is bad for your health,why would you eat that much of it. I ate plenty of Erie eyes in the past,but since 92 I doubt if I eat 4 meals a year,and I know that their is plenty of bad stuff in store bought food also.

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