2008/04/07 08:00:21
Left at 200 this morning and never got a spot near the wire. They just camp on that spot as you watch them catch fish. Bummer!
2008/04/07 08:26:32
Big Tuna
Mikastorm,very hard place to fish,I was there 3 times in the last 10 days,got there between 3 and 4 pm each time,and never fished till 10pm to midnight,did do very well but the SAME 8 or 10 locals NEVER leave the wall.The weekend is a REALLY bad time to try the spillway.But some of us do work not the wall rats,there has been a few words between fishermen but no fist fights,and (I was there)the hand gun thing was about some young kid saying he was going to shoot some geese.
2008/04/07 09:04:41
 You actually go there and wait for 4-8 hours so you can get a spot to fish??
I just can't picture any limit of wally's worth standing around all night for. If you were fishing the whole time that is a different story.
I guess if they are starving and can't buy food and can't catch them the rest of the year cause they aren't stuck in a barrel.
Sorry fellas but I guess I value the fishing experience way more than I do "The Limit". Most all of the folks that say they fish there never regale how good of an experience or how much fun they had. It is usually about how quick they got their"Limit".
Not a big fan of combat fishing.
2008/04/07 09:39:48
Big Tuna
BINGS,some of us can't fish anytime we want,I work seasonal from mid April to November,and MAY GET IF I''M LUCKEY four or five days off all summer.Yes,I can buy all the food I need,these trips to Pymy aren't cheap,It's 160 miles round trip and gas is $ 3.35 a gallon and My ride gets about 12 miles to the gallon,my son and I only leagally caught 27 eyes in three trips,so I'd say WE PAID FOR THEM,you **** about me and my kid,but SAY NOTHING ABOUT THE LOCAL CROWD THAT HURTS THE LAKE THE MOST,some off them get 200 eyes ever year at the spillway.WHAT CAN YOU DO WITH 200 EYES A YEAR? No I'm not a fan of combat fishing,but if I want to do it, Its my problem,stay away from the spillway,the locals will be happier,that more eyes for them. I've fished a lot of places that were just as zoo like,Erie tribs for steely's,Maummee River shoulder to shoulder for eyes,and lets not foget Pa. trout opener. I can't help it I like to fish.Wish I had more time to fish like you ,but I don't.
2008/04/07 10:40:02
Big Tuna, sorry didn't mean to ruffle feathers. It was more directed to the local crowd that never leaves and isn't happy until they fill the freezer.I dislike fish scabs(keep every legal fish they put a hook in.) as much as the next guy maybe more. I'm am not saying there is anything Wrong with what they are doing as long as they are legal. It is just not my cup of tea fishing that way and I explained why.
2008/04/07 11:04:51
Big Tuna
No feathers ruffled,just showing you my side to the post,I'd rather be trolliing in May(Pymy),or better yet have the mouth of July at Erie,but a man's got to make money and keep the wife happy.My biggest beef is the gread,at Pymy and Erie (or anywhere) what can people do with that many fish?My son and I keep about 50 eyes a year from,Pymy and one weekend trip a year to Erie,we have a hard time eating 50 fish(a family of 4).I just wonder what % to fish caught get wasted? This crap about throwing out last years to make room the this years is stupid,Everbody should make a effort to take what they can used,and not a bragging contest.
2008/04/07 11:06:31
I don't know what you guys are so ****y about.  I just got done putting 3 bigass walleye in the freezer, and had a blast fishing all night (ahem, I mean morning) for them.  The locals were just as happy to help net my walleye as I was to net their carp.(you know, so I could get back to fishing the drop)  It was a whole lotta work, using even more patience, but it was a crap load of fun. 

BTW- the locals couldn't believe I was leaving with the hot hand just as the bite came back on.  The guy I was next to actually held off the next guy in to make sure I was serious about leaving.  Wifey had to get to work, and I'm her ride.

Thanks John!  We'll do it, and more, real soon.  See you at Oil Creek.
2008/04/07 22:26:16
Good to hear you got on the spot Tim. If I didn.t have to be at the Docs.
I,ld have stayed with you two for sure. Had fun anyways and ya will do it again. Still don,t know why we couldn,t get anything going by the dam.
See ya at the oily creek.
2008/04/08 05:21:07
[ I've fished a lot of places that were just as zoo like,Erie tribs for steely's,Maummee River shoulder to shoulder for eyes,and lets not foget Pa. trout opener. ]
if your fishing in combat in erie tribs or first day of trout u need to fish somewhere else.some people dont mind lots of company and thats fine... i just know thats not for me.my first steelhead trip was to manchester hole and i hated it.lucky for me CAPTAIN HOOK took us to elk one time and i have fished it ever since...
2008/04/08 15:20:30
Storm Warning 2
I know that between Christmas gifts and the once a week meal of 'eyes my daughter and I eat, we EASILY go through 250 'eyes a year.  I have about 8 or 9# of fillets left from last year and that has to last until mid June or so when the 'eye bite starts heating up on Erie.
I have no problem with anyone keeping fish, as long as they don't go to waste.

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