2014/06/02 15:01:58
I heard that there is a guide with a pontoon boat that offers fishing for Crappie out of Pymy. I think that he goes by Mr. Crappie, as I do. Has anyone here gone out with him? If so, any thoughts, as I am interested in going?    thanks    sam
2014/06/02 16:36:18
"Crappie Guide"...Pretty much says it all I think...
2014/06/03 07:59:35
Sam, i'm not sure if this is the guy you're thinking about but give him a call and see if he can help you in some way. Met him at the Crappie camp a couple weeks ago. His name is Norm. He goes by Yankee Hooker. 419 989 2121. Tell him Chaunc said that Hooker could help you.
2014/06/03 08:48:23
  You can reply through craigslist.com. His early booking discount is over for the season but still very reasonable rates. Type in guide on pittsburgh craigslist.
2014/06/03 08:49:58
I seen that guy on craigslist, scrolling through the boat section. 5 hours for 75 is a little pricey considering you can drive 30 more miles and slam perch for $33 on the EJ. I also wondered how legal it was for him to be calling himself Mr. Crappie as a business name lol.
Either way I hope he is legit and gets you into some nice slabs Sam.
2014/06/03 10:08:07
Here you go:  http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/boa/4501410425.html
That's tempting for me.  I can generally catch crappie anywhere but I don't know anything about pymie other than it is way too far to drive.  I don't think $40 a guy for 2 guys is that bad for 5 hours of fishing.
What is the "EJ" for perch?  Assuming some erie headboat deal?
2014/06/03 10:24:27
Oh I thought it was 75 a person, you're right 40 a person is a good deal, especially considering you're not towing a boat or using your own equipment.
The crappie in pymie are huge, you can catch 14-15 inchers consistently if you get into them.
Edward John, Erie headboat for perch.
2014/06/03 10:25:35
 The $75 is per. person, 2 man limit. But considering renting a pontoon at Arthur is 'bout $50 a hr. it's not a bad deal if don't have a boat, don't want to haul or don't know the water.
2014/06/03 10:32:08
Sam let me know how you do
2014/06/03 10:32:08
Sam let me know how you do

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