2014/05/23 18:37:09
Should have stayed home today.  But this was our one shot at Pymie in May so we pushed on anyway, and WOW.  Freezing cold, 20 MPH winds, whitecaps and no fish.  Well, almost no fish.  We caught:
4x short walleye (9-12")
1x 15"+ white bass or wiper, whichever they have there
2 or 3 big bluegills
1x perch, bait size
1x channel cat, bait size
We were using crawlers, leeches, shiners, and fathead minnows, drifting 8 rods between 4 of us.  Called it quits around noon after freezing off our naughty bits.  Hit Arthur on the way home, and it was every bit as sucktastic.  
2014/05/23 20:13:43
Ditto on the freezing part, but at least we got a few.   Drifted the islands on the north end.  I think we were the only boat not hiding behind Harris or Whaley.
Couple crappies and three keeper walleye, but it was moving pretty good by 9ish.  We were on the water by 6:30 and off by 10;30
Also got five really nice catfish on fatheads.  All around 18-20 inches  Everything went back in to fight another day.
On a different note, I did hook into one that felt like I was hauling in the Titanic.  This thing hit hard and my six foot Shakespeare bent like a willow tree.  He went left, I tried to make him go right, and he was gone.
****, would have liked to seen him.
2014/05/24 11:59:48
Well guess I'm not missing anything then....lol  Was up last Monday afternoon until dark difting on south end from causeway down on Ohio side didn't really run into many but did bring some crappie home not nearly enough though what I did catch were nice around 12" & 13" some white bass but that's it.  I live in Franklin so it's a 100 mile round trip for me guess I'll keep reading the posts to see when things pick up 
Good Luck y'all and be safe out there.............

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