2013/12/01 16:53:10

The new switch came into my possesion 5:03 Friday morning. At a little after 7 it had already gone bendo. Clint learned how to effectively rope off a pool by using a sink tip in the tail funnel. Very effective technique. We had our fun before  the fish were pushed out, though.  Friday was OK.  The temps Sat. morning actually had an effect on the crowds. I made it easy on Nancy and went to the prime spot on the Church Pool. Only two fellows fished across from me for the first 2 hrs. We both hooked 1. Mine was a bright fish that ran across and jumped at one fellows knees, and I mean literally his knees, and then slugged it out back and forth, before finally dropping out of the pool and snapping off.  In the afternoon we took a long walk through fields and the pretty snow and fished a seam at the head of a pool . I lost what was the largest I've hooked into this year. I screamed and howled for a good 30 seconds after losing it. It ran downriver about 200 feet and started jumping behind a driftboat. They yanked the anchor and were yelling what a nice fish it was and I kept a little tug back and forth going and started to make my way down river. I walked down and had almost thought to be gaining when it took another run. Now I'm way more  into the white stuff  and getting a little, no a lot , nervous. For good reason. So much line, too much pressure . I got it coming towards me fairly good, but it stopped, head shook, and was gone..... So two very nice fish played with in a day that didn't see 20 while we were on the river.  I saw and talked to some real characters. They probably thought I was as bat**** crazy and stupid for fishing my methods, as I them. Not worth repeating. The french would say Cie la vie du riviere.  At least I think in translation it roughly comes out "that's life on the river".
   The new St. Croix Imperial  switch was great. Tosses large flies and  an indicator well. I keep shying from small flies this time of year. A bobber set at no more than   1 1/2  x depth and a fly they can see to avoid,  cuts down on the flossing  and body hook-ups.  Just my take from my own experience.
I found I could impart a good shake holding the flyline off the water, haul in and recast, without lots of ice build-up. It was plenty cold Sat. to make it a real problem.  Don't have outrageous numbers or big fish to the bank, but for me it was a good trip. I have a feeling that I'll never get a handle on the SR, I'll never land a decent steel, and my numbers will always suck in comparison to others. On the other hand,  it's a challenge I'll continue  to pursue.  Most of my trips for the rest of the winter will be on weekdays, and often  walking in solitude.  We could have fished today, as it was warmer, but had to get back to get our backpacking permit  application  for the Grand Canyon faxed in. They allow you to fax it in  4 months in advance.  We have about a 1 in  20 chance, to go when and where we want.  I can't land a steelhead, but I WILL walk  in and out of that F'in canyon.
2013/12/01 17:25:35
Clint S
I am glad you an Nancy made it through the day man and thanks for some memories.   It sure was a few days for losing fish though.

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