Got in late Monday the 21st in mid 60s weather-did leaves and lawn Tuesday in the rain and misty mid 40s weather-wet leaves unghhh.
Fished on Wed the 23rd after the early drizzle- went up to the bovines and it was GREAT. VERY few fishermen where I walked to and lots of fish including many nice looking Kings mixed in with Steel. Was surprised at the number of nice unmolested fish- only saw a couple of Zombies and a few that were long dead.
Fished a 200 yard stretch for hours and only had two other guys quickly walk through and a few boats pass by. Water was a bit murky and with lots of fly changes settled in on a double orange egg with white hairs over the eggs on a 6 hook.
Spawners were here and there- most fish seemed not ready as yet and I chose to drift behind the active fish for those attracted by drifting eggs. Don't think I ever had so many legit hookups as that day. Most all still had the fin too. Was surprised at that.
Considering the number of beds in the area it appears that I had missed the main spawn having been away for a few weeks--however the number of fish there told me there was certainly more to come. Musta been a nice new push recently.Thought I had missed out on the spawn this year.
Kings an Steel throughout that stretch were in good enough numbers as to be compared to an excellent early October outing. What a great year it has been and continues to be.
While walking a high bushy bank and looking down at fishes saw a VERY LARGE King swim on up through-he was HUGE- likely the longest King I have seen in over 30 years on the river.
Could have gone up stream and tried for him but frankly was concerned he was a tackle buster and just enjoyed the show. Really appreciated watching him- or her. For that matter most of the Kings all season were nicely sized and very active--NOTHING like that brute though.
Thursday brought rain Sleet and snow in 34 degree temps- the river had also risen significantly- left my white lawn and bugged for CT- was in the mid 40s and sunny before getting to Rome- LAKE EFFECT- lol.