2014/07/31 09:21:34
Dr. Trout
 What a great 1.5 hours of fishing late this afternoon (4pm). I traveled to Portland Mills to see how long I could fish before the storms started. I got to fish for about 45 minutes then the rain started. I sat in the truck for 45 minutes and then return to the banks of the river for another 25 minutes of fishing. Fish were really hitting before and just after the rain. I landed 8 Smallmouths and 2 trout. I have caught only 1 Palomino Trout in all my years of fishing and that was about 9 years ago and that fish was only about 7 inches long, that changed today. I finally landed a GREAT Palomino Trout, a 17.5 inch Palomino. A real beauty,.... it will be tonight's supper on the grill ....
Just as I was landing it that first blast of rain hit. After it stopped I returned from the truck and within 5 minute I had another large trout on the line. This time I was not lucky enough to land the fish, the hook pulled out of the fish's mouth when it was about 10 feet way, but close enough to see it was a large Rainbow. I also had about 5-6 strikes that I did not get a hook-set.

It was just a wonderful hour and a half of fishing !!
Here's the Palomino ...

2014/07/31 13:36:18
Congrats! Beautiful fish!  Sounds like a great way to spend a few hours. Glad you took the chance and worked around the rain...
2014/08/04 08:21:23
World Famous
Nice. Had one chase my minnow at Gravel Lick area of the Clarion, last week.....WF...Really far downstream from any stocked feeder stream.

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