2014/07/26 21:20:11
The Ref
I know this section of the creek is deeper but is it ok to run a small
outboard there? A friend has a 6 hp on a small boat and wants to give it a try.
2014/07/27 08:02:19
Ref, if your asking if it is legal, I know of no motor limits on Frenchcreek. I see motors being used on many of the deeper eddies in various areas of the creek. However, a quick call to the fish commission would certainly be in order. Don't forget the extra shear pins.;-) Happy fishing.
2014/07/27 12:13:57
I believe Been there  is correct in that there are no motor limits on French Creek, but I think you will find out that they do enforce the no wake within the 50 yds. of shore restriction. So if you take it slow and easy You shouldn't have any problems. On one Christmas morning several years ago we saw a jet drive flying up French Creek and the PFBC was chasing him by car trying to get his numbers and he was charged with the no wake within the shore limits. He had traveled clear past us at Meadville from Franklin. I guess he didn't realize that they do have two way radios in their vehicles cause they were waiting for him when he hit the Allegheny River at Franklin.
2014/07/28 10:08:56
I've tried that stretch... its risky. Busted up my electric motor pretty good. With water clarity we've been having this year and with the amount that stream fluctuates, the amount of submerged logs, its very risky. Can be done, but you'd be flirting with danger.
2014/07/28 10:44:54
I don't know if they still exist at the old hotel in Cambridge Springs, which has a unique history in itself but, I have seen pictures of walleye, pike and musky caught in French Creek back in the day. Least not forget to mention the great turtle soups available at many of those fine taverns of Cambridge. Nicks and The Bridge Inn seem to ring a bell.
2014/07/28 11:05:49
With all the rain hitting Erie, Crawford and, Venango Counties yesterday and today a guy could launch his canoe at the fairgrounds in Cambridge and be at Franklin in several hours. Dang, I thought I saw a bunch of animals standing in a field watching some dude building a big boat, the other day.
2014/07/29 12:30:20
The Ref
Thanks for the replies very helpful especially you Boro. Thats what I was looking for.
Ever do any good on that section? I know some big ones come out of there every year.
French is tough to figure out. Not looking for any spots but anyone want to share some catch
stories and what you got them on?
2014/08/13 18:33:18
There are no HP limits on French Creek, only the wake restriction someone mentioned.  The guy that often runs his jets up the creek is Weigel, the boat dealer.  There are a couple more than him but i've seen only one of them cause a wake (the other boat is too slow).  One of my neighbors up there tries to turn Weigel in whenever he sees him going by his property.  That might have been the one seen by BA.  I'd be surprised if he received a citation though.  You could use a prop in most of the pools but not in the riffles of course and there are a lot of rocks you won't see even in the pools.  Many use props when they fish heading downstream.  Most pull out downstream because unless the water is high you'll not be returning upstream very far with a prop.
Lots of fish species.  Buzzbaits, spinner baits, hard baits, plastic worms, jigs, they all work.  Crawfish, minnows and worms too if you want to use live bait.

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