2014/07/19 18:43:50
Has it really been raining up Pymie way as much as the weather channel says it has? It shows showers to T-storms about 4 times per week. The water is more turbid than I remember and it certainly isn't low, but does it really rain that much or is the weather channel just covering it's but?
2014/07/19 19:39:53
It's been pretty spot on as far as I've seen. It says I'll get ra in ed on and I do lol
2014/07/20 08:18:07
eye crosser
I fish down stream at Shenango and you can tell when it rains up there because the water gets muddy fast.  Water has been stained to the point where you can't see your lure 2 feet down.   Better to have the rain than put up with the algae bloom that happens every year.  I think I've only water my garden 5 times this year.
2014/07/20 10:42:27
I live in Franklin and seems like we get storms every 2 or 3 days , my 9.9 motor finally bit it but hey, it's 29 years old so guess that happens. Waitng until this winter to get a new one,  sounds like I'm not missing much at Pymie.....lol  Oh well. guess you'll have years like this..... bow season will be here before you know it 
2014/07/27 09:21:28
Rain again today...yippy! What gets me is the wind....swirly this year. Going up in a little while...rain gear with me....:)

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