I'll support troutbum on this one. I was up there in early December and would freak out if my pops had the fish out of the water too long for a pic. Also made him lose a fish because I didn't want him to bank the chrome. I was handling the leader, the fish turned and snap there goes the 6 lb test. I will never live that one down...
I will say this.... I suspect the guide was doing whatever he could to make sure his clients enjoyed themselves. In early December I was fishing mid-river. A guideboat drifted off so I shuffled down to fish a seam noticed a 12 lber struggling along the banks. I could help but think did the guide do this and if he saw this fish struggling why didn't he just keep her. I tried to revive her but the outcome did not look good.
Its sort of like the discussion on nets versus banking a fish versus a michigan mit versus a wool mit during the winter steelhead season. It ends up coming down to how can we inflict the least amount of harm and in this particular case do not hold the fish out of the water for extended periods of time especially during the winter season.