2014/08/20 08:45:29
Dr. Trout
Fishing two evenings after work for the last two weeks has been very productive and fun. I have enjoy the fishing and have been surprised that this cooler weather has once again seemed to turn on the "trout bite". Although the Smallmouth fishing at this spot has been very slow (only 10 in 4 trips) the trout , especially Rainbows, has really been GREAT !! (21 Trout in the same 4 trips)
I have caught them all throwing whole nightcrawlers into the middle of the river and then allowing it to sweep down and back in across the current. Most bites seemed to occur right away or as the bait turns and heads towards the bank. And naturally I get a few as I retrieve the line back parallel to the bank.
One funny think I have noticed is that I have to change the amount of split-shot on the rig. For a while they seem to want it floating along and fast (with the speed of the current) other times I add a little and slow the movement down and slowly bump it along the rock bottom.
Either way, it has been a blast and I'm glad the fishing is still this good heading into hunting season for me. Here's a photo from each of the trips...




All my 2014 fishing adventures are available to see here ====
2014/08/20 13:04:41
Glad the river is still producing for you... nice to have the fishery available on your way home from work!
2014/08/20 15:31:07
Dr. T,

I'm considering a trip up to fish the clarion this weekend, but im a bit worried about water levels and the amount of rain that is coming.  Is the cooksburg gage  the best gage to look at, and how much flow is too much to wade? 

Thanks for all of the updates and reports.
2014/08/20 22:25:24
Dr. Trout
I have never fished the Clarion below where Clear Creek State Park is so I have NO IDEA what it is like from there down ...  and I rarely wade the river ...
as I have said before I ride along River Road and stop where ever I see access to the river... or route 949 towards Ridgeway and do the same thing.
plus I have never looked at any gauges.. I just judge how much rain (storms) and how bad, we get .. how hot it is ...  and how bad the storms were and if they caused the water to get muddy..
If the water is not muddy, and not real hot for several days in a row and I have the time I'm fishing the river. I do not pay much attention to anything else  :)
sorry I can not be of more help in that area....
right now and earlier we got bad storms so at least up this way the water will be muddy until Friday ...  IF ... we do not get more storms and they are calling for more tomorrow, which could mess up the fishing for the week-end...........
I worry about the muddy conditions because that is my #1 worst fishing time... I just can't catch fish if there's muddy water .. LOL
2014/08/21 17:31:06
World Famous
No good this weekend Accountant. Flow is too much and gonna be a lot of color in the water...WF....still a great area to camp and explore even if you cant fish
2014/08/22 09:33:44
Here the link for the Clarion:

Start chartin...

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