SOL 2013 Summary is now posted on the DEC website. Full report by May. Go to the Lockport or Pulaski presentations if you can, a lot of great information. A couple of points:
Coho returns were good last fall, higher than usual egg take toward mid October, but poor egg eye up. DEC thinks this was because eggs were for the most part taken at higher than optimum temperatures (either take them or lose the fish, they were starting to weaken and get fungus in the holding ponds) As a result no fall fingerling coho stocking in 2014, numbers will be made up with Chinook which are at 100% plus of target now. New protocol for 2014 will continue egg taking later if temps not optimum and if they get enough late eggs, they will dump the early ones.
Conditions and numbers of salmon and trout were comparable to prior years, down a little but close enough to just be measurement error, I thought.
Alewife populations and conditions stable. They did not say it but, I interpret that as an indication that the right numbers of fish are being stocked in relation to the amount of natural reproduction.
Highest Catch per unit effort recorded for lake trips in the history of the fishery. Average catch per charter trip was approximately 8 fish, private boat average more like 2 fish per trip. The pros know their stuff, and the technology and internet are definitely helping.
Average 3 year old king returning to the hatchery was 37" long weighed 23 lbs.
3.5 hour meeting and discussion, I can't get it all here, get to one of the remaining meetings if you can, check the summary and devote a few nights (ha!, maybe a month of nights) to reading the full report when it is released later in the spring. And tell all the newbies you see on the tribs how much better it is out off the boats!