db, I hear what your saying but your barking up the wrong tree to a bunch of fishermen who lost their playground.. That fight would be best fought with the local community.. Just sayin' ..
I gave it that timeline because any business model is on a 5 year profit return.. Such an investment such as reported 3.5 mill. would have to expect a profit within 5-7 years or go under.. I foresee the latter..
As posted , it's a corporate scam.. And it's folks like us that get the shaft.. The bucks have to come from somewhere and yes, get passed down to the consumer..
The hardest thing for me also is what L-13 said.. WE (NYS) gave them the property and will pay out of our pockets for their profits.. Yes someone will profit even if it goes under..
The company I work for is BILLIONS (not millions) in debt , closing plants and laying people off left and right but the CEO's . investors and other fat cat's still collect HUGE bonuses.. Go figure..
I'm not so sure they will use boats.. Most will wander out back during retreat breaks to cast a line , get a seminar about fishing then wander back in when the dinner bell rings.. Maybe in between happy hr also..
Other then that I don't see the leaving the security of the property to rub elbows with Joe Dirt.. Well maybe a winter float for the real high end guests but thats about all I see..
Now the question was ask who will stay there at 189.00 per night ?
Well it's apples to oranges but who would pay $390.00 a night for DSR lodge ? There are folks that do..
Heck Maybe the Tailwater will have the secret service parked mid river to ensure their clients get exclusive rights too.. (I was pizzed that day I went to fish there )..
Oh well , time will tell and I have no doubt feuds will ensue and more changes will happen.. I bet the law enforcement will spend more time in that short 2,000' of water then anywhere else on the entire river and again we will be paying for their time..
I will explore the area this late fall into winter (north bank of course) just to see how things transpire.. I'm sure the Warden will not like the likes of someone like me and it's good to know I got friends in the area to come bail me out..lol (just kidding on the last part)..
Peace & Tuna