2013/08/30 14:51:10
retired guy
Tax incentives are a whirlwind for Communities- one one hand if you dont give them business will go someplace else and on the other if no one gave them business would still come in  or not expand or exist.
 The thing that makes folks give them is the other issues of local employment as the likely case with the school -or let it sit and rot with no positive side whatsoever to the town.
   They feel  that the incentive is worth the risk not to mention the upgrades and general appearance as opposed to continued blighted spaces.
 We had one come in with lots of intro level employment activity and they agreed to bus employees in from the inner City as part of the 10 year deal. Did their business basicaly out of a new pole kinda building ( cheap construction low maintainance costs) and they stuck to the employee agreement- lotsa jobs came of it.
    OK -- At the end of the 10 years they tried to move out and do the same thing in the neighboring Town- neighbors said NO because the 10 year was an intro offer and they had tipped their hand- that was 15 years ago and they ares still here  lol.  
    Charlie hit the nail on the head IMHO with the Hotel employment and upscale folks regularly hiring local drifters. Altmar will see a direct increase of employment and folks with expendable cash as opposed to an empty old school costing basic maintainence dollars over the next 10 years.
   Even if the Business folds as Tuna and some of us feel likely.  Taxes will eventually come due which would NOT be the case if the Town still owned it.
2013/08/30 17:26:37
I'm still really peeved about this in terms of the public investment. We paid (through licenses, excise tax, and NRD settlement funds) to create the fishery that makes this spot attractive to the developer, and then we give the developer more money ( I pay NYS Income taxes, sales taxes, tax taxes, etc) to deny us access to something we paid to create.  I'd go get some Vaseline, but I'd have to pay more sales taxes on that!  Randy Jones should read up on the situation in Erie, where a guide there helped to privatize water on the promise of his use, and then late got s****** out of that (American Angler, Winter 2013).  If it is a viable business relying on the publicly created fishery, it should not need the IDA funds.  I know I'll be watching the ads for conferences and making little reports to the IRS to see how much of this they can recover, why should I be subsidizing people who can pay 189 per night, and then write it off on their income tax.  And maybe its time to think about a little flotilla, since they are not going after boats.  I can make it from Altmar to Ellis Cove  in a Radison, with a few hours anchored in between.
2013/08/30 18:18:37
If they started saying no anchoring I could lauch my pontoon, float thru their water as slow as possible slapping water with the oars all the way.
Pull over carry it back to the launch to do it again 3 or 4 times without much problem.
Or register it, slap on my electric trolling motor and take laps around the hole all day long.
2013/08/30 18:20:53
Clint S
Who is going to pay $189 to fish  water that fishes better from the other side.   The may own to the center, but I can cast and fish to their water.   I would rather get 2 passes to the DSR and get a cheap room somewhere close.
At $189 a night they will cater to a different crowd for sure.   With the price of things now who has that kind of $$$ to pay for a room.     They will NEVER get that much (or even close)  in off season and I am being gracious saying they may fill it September though December.     Even with the tax deal (which sucks mind you)  it will bring a boost to the area but   NYS had their heads in their ****es though for sure though.   The taxes may come due in 10 years, but when the place is shut down and they do not get paid what then.    I am with HT 5 to 7 years tops
2013/08/30 18:29:23
They will be fishing out of boats.
It will be Dave Barber all over again.
Tailwater will book them a boat for 300 clams then pay the guide 150 to 200.The sport won't know the lodge is taking a 50% "finder's fee" and then undertip the scab guide who did all the work.
I say scab because if nobody would work for the cut rate fee they would have to pay the going rate to the guides.
2013/08/30 18:57:30
Clint S
2013/08/30 19:45:17
hot tuna
db, I hear what your saying but your barking up the wrong tree to a bunch of fishermen who lost their playground.. That fight would be best fought with the local community.. Just sayin' ..
I gave it that timeline because any business model is on a 5 year profit return.. Such an investment such as reported 3.5 mill. would have to expect a profit within 5-7 years or go under.. I foresee the latter..
As posted , it's a corporate scam.. And it's folks like us that get the shaft.. The bucks have to come from somewhere and yes, get passed down to the consumer..
The hardest thing for me also is what L-13 said.. WE (NYS) gave them the property and will pay out of our pockets for their profits.. Yes someone will profit even if it goes under..
The company I work for is BILLIONS (not millions) in debt , closing plants and laying people off left and right but the CEO's . investors and other fat cat's still collect HUGE bonuses.. Go figure..
I'm not so sure they will use boats.. Most will wander out back during retreat breaks to cast a line , get a seminar about fishing then wander back in when the dinner bell rings.. Maybe in between happy hr also..
Other then that I don't see the leaving the security of the property to rub elbows with Joe Dirt.. Well maybe a winter float for the real high end guests but thats about all I see..
Now the question was ask who will stay there at 189.00 per night ?
Well it's apples to oranges but who would pay $390.00 a night for DSR lodge ?  There are folks that do..
Heck Maybe the Tailwater will have the secret service parked mid river to ensure their clients get exclusive rights too.. (I was pizzed that day I went to fish there )..
Oh well , time will tell and I have no doubt feuds will ensue and more changes will happen.. I bet the law enforcement will spend more time in that short 2,000' of water then anywhere else on the entire river and again we will be paying for their time..
I will explore the area this late fall into winter (north bank of course) just to see how things transpire..  I'm sure the Warden will not like the likes of someone like me and it's good to know I got friends in the area to come bail me out..lol (just kidding on the last part)..
Peace & Tuna
2013/08/30 22:43:44
retired guy
What irks me is that it was already PUBLIC property which is likely why no PFR was ever put on it then rather quickly sold to Pvt ownership for Sr activities and can happen from place to place throughout the SR system.
  A business survey of possible profit in a limited customer base like this could take time without Professional Fishing experience or even with some not to mention building a new corporation and registering it with the state and obtaining fiscal backing for the project.
 Code investigation and the resulting permit applications commonly require more than one or two revisions resulting in final  archetectual drawings being  a year or so in duration AFTER those other issues are in place.
 There are other steps as well  such as those pesky Federal and state inspections for health issues ( yes even in schools -especially old ones even when having been revamped) that commonly take large blocks of time to resolve not to mention months for initial results even if issues are  nonexistent.  Then of course the permitting for removals if needed . We had one take a year  extra just because of some old window caulking.
 Just try and establish a local eatery or bar  as fast as this got done with all the codes and regs  and formal drawings required on even a very small scale.
  NOT talkin construction time here- before that.
  In  the final analysis one may well believe this was in the pipeline  a very long time  before going public.
  Gotta wonder whos on the board or a registered backer cause they worked magic on the timeline IMHO.
 Rant over.
2013/08/31 06:56:53
Clint S
RG  IMHO there were only 3 options for that property a hotel with pay to play or an assisted living facility. The later are hard to make any money on and there is a tremendous amount of red tape and regulations.  The final option (which  I thought would happen ) was to sit vacant.  All have to remember we are actually dealing with 3 schools here that go closed and went up for sale.  The Parish school was larger and newer, better parking, better HVAC,  1 mile from 81 and more centrally located.   any company would easily pick this building over the other 2 and they did.   Bipsperix the incubator company bought it fo manufacturing and shipping.   The Williamstown school is not the oldest, but in the worse shape needing alot of work  HVAC is shot, needs a roof and windows.   It had smaller rooms and would make a good living facility.  To my knowledge it has had a few bites but is vacant and sitting there rotting.   Altmar school was a no brainer, prime location riverfront property.   The district did what it had to do to sell it.   Do I fault them no way.   I do fault the state and the county for pushing it through on my dime.   Here is what I dug up on the tax deals
Tailwater got a tax deal from the Oswego County Industrial Development Agency earlier this year. The lodge will get an exemption from a portion of its assessed value for 10 years, said L. Michael Treadwell, executive director of Operation Oswego County, the county's economic development office.
The exemption starts at 60 percent and declines over the course of the deal. The project also got a sales tax break on materials and equipment for the renovation work worth about $104,000.
The hotel's assessment hasn't been determined yet, Treadwell said.
2013/08/31 07:13:48
Tuna not so much last year, the fish were still moving up river, just getting slaughtered along the way.
But not closing it in 05 or 06 whichever was the dought-shortfall of eggs says alot.

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