Some odd recorded lines to say the least however a proper new survey was very likely made prior to purchase- That one will be recorded with the County Clerk however one may well believe it wont be on a computer for some time.
When I bought my place a few years back even though it had no mortgage I insisted on a new proper recorded survey by a certified appraisal company- would bet the farm these folks did likewise.
Noteworthy that mine directly mirrored the old ones but it should be done whenever a property changes hands- banks insist on it when fronting dollars.
Generally nothing changes but---no surprises.
Next thought will be what is the 'rule' about river access to frontage owners who dont actually own the riverbed- or perhaps even the few feet (in some places ) between their line and the river edge. ??
Puts the State in a real bind with guys wanting more PFR and the new 'business' likely NOT owning to the actual rivers edge in some areas-- lol.
(make ya a bet on PFR there)
BTW- who does own those few feet shown on the map ???