I'll agree that the food has a high fat content but then so does most "comfort" food. Always found that the Altmar could fill the hole well for the money, and I'd still be able to hit the river in the AM. Agree with Dime about the new owner's, I met them not long after they took over and they were very nice and friendly. You could do a lot worse than having the Altmar for neighbors, and for a living room and kitchen away from the house. I don't remember the juke box, but I'm half deaf from standing in front of a cranked Fender in C+W joints for the better half of my early years.
If you look on the Tailwater's menu, it is a lot of chic and trendy après fishing food, 8 oz steak, 10 oz steak, etc. That cuts it for me when I am home, but I might be able to put away 2 after a full day on the river. No prices posted, if you have to ask, you can't afford it or can't write it off! My concern is that if they can pull $179 a night how long before the next best room is 85 or 90? I personally think the NR license should have doubled, lord knows we residents are footing huge tax burdens that are pretty transparent to non residents, but this is all part of Andy's scheme to sell the state to the rest of the world rather than cut down on the massive giveaways and pork programs.