Well, the local ditch has not jumped today. I am home with the same thing Tuna describes, 4th day, and lost a long weekend to it, must be able to transmit more than computer virus over the net! But the water temp jumped to 37° F, so the shore ice has to be starting to go, and with the way the ice is going on my driveway, it should start going up pretty quick now. But if it really gets going and we get the rain, it will be chocolate soup for about a week. But when that coaster reaches the top and then starts the long downhill, be watching, because there should be some dandy action for a few days before it bottoms out again. I know I'll start watching for bowling balls at the bottom of the hill once I see the turn! And as of now the GR is 686 with a turbidity of 5.5, and that does not get better, although I expect with the warmth and rain, it will blow out about one day before I can get down there.
I thought when our kids grew up, they were supposed to come over and take us fishing, help out with the broken wing and all, for all we did for them growing up? Oh, and, look, there goes another pig, time to swing the 12 for some fresh bacon!