2014/02/19 07:28:52
I believe that was last year.  This has not been a friendly winter for open water fishers, and with the variety of ailments going around, even sometimes when the gear is all ready to go, the body won't cooperate.  If we had the 20's to bring the flows down and then the long stretches of 35 daytime 25 night time, many more flyswatters and float doggers would have been seen on the bigger flows.  Around here, please remember, we also used to be able to go to Russell Station when it was ultra cold, and find trout, and white bass,  but that hole has closed up.  Great winter for going out on the lakes and cutting power auger holes, but word from along LO is that the perch fishing has nearly collapsed, and places like Honeoye also sound pretty fished out.
2014/02/19 09:14:18
Guys in all honesty that remark was meant more for the other board or boards than this one.
We are such a tiny community here that a couple guys  getting out  25-50% of the board was brave hardy souls.
In general the other boards have a much younger makeup so there is more  macho posts than here where us old timers have pick and choose our outings and don't pretend to more hardcore than we are.
Anyone that peeks in on that other board check and see the last time a picture was added.
A shoot of a fish or 2 with little background to give away location isn.t going to bring the hordes under this years conditions so to me no pics means no fishing.
2014/02/19 10:40:53
In the words of the wonderful Emily Latella, " Never mind...."
2014/02/19 10:46:56
hot tuna
don't worry 2b those macho hero pics on the other sites (which I don't visit) will be coming up in a few weeks as they beat their chest (or monkey) about how great they are at winter steelhead..
It would be nice to see a pic or two here though, I know someone must be catching a fishy or two these past weeks..
Speaking of chest, I awoke feeling like crap.. My chest is burning, throat sore and back is even worse.. I think the snow will have to stay in the driveways and gamble on mom's roof..
Gonna sip some hot tea with honey and tie flies by the fire, yup then go to the J.O.B. later..
2014/02/19 10:59:08
Had 4 sick calls Sun  Mon.
Everyone seems to be suffering something right now.
Those will be spring pics not winter in my mind.
Anything after mid Feb is spring run (at least round here where 4/1 is the very end of the rust season.
After the first real cold snap in Nov til end Jan to early Feb is winter fishing.
No real water here has been fishable and I just haven't been able to make myself drive the 104 corridor the the SR so no winter pics coming from OldFattyFatterton I'm afraid.
Boy over today squelched any plan for the drive today.
The home trickle better open up this warm up or I may scratch my skin off from jonesing.
Why didn't I ever think of taking hero pics.
Dam my pretty face would brighten this place up.
2014/02/19 12:48:50
Two Bob is that fella you posted a pic of the business agent for the witness protection program???
He looks familiar...

As you know...j/k :)
2014/02/19 15:21:08
Well, the local ditch has not jumped today.  I am home with the same thing Tuna describes, 4th day, and lost a long weekend to it, must be able to transmit more than computer virus over the net!  But the water temp jumped to 37° F, so the shore ice has to be starting to go, and with the way the ice is going on my driveway, it should start going up pretty quick now.  But if it really gets going and we get the rain, it will be chocolate soup for about a week.  But when that coaster reaches the top and then starts the long downhill, be watching, because there should be some dandy action for a few days before it bottoms out again.  I know I'll start watching  for bowling balls at the bottom of the hill once I see the turn!  And as of now the GR is 686 with a turbidity of 5.5, and that does not get better, although I expect with the warmth and rain, it will blow out about one day before I can get down there.
I thought when our kids grew up, they were supposed to come over and take us fishing, help out with the broken wing and all, for all we did for them growing up?   Oh, and, look, there goes another pig, time to swing the 12 for some fresh bacon!
2014/02/19 16:15:31
Drove over 4 upper branches of the south eastern end rt. 11 corridor... first two had some flow... the other two look they still have 2 foot of snow on top of em. The two bigger ones to the north I'm sure will blow out hard if the rain comes. Salmon river??? Still 285...
2014/02/19 16:29:12
I'm hoping for perfect timing to get a couiple hours as the rock creek is going out for fish that have been under the ice and ready to move.
Of course work release timing has to coincide for that to happen.
I have found that with 5 inch prom dresses and such you can fish some pretty gnarly water.
All flash for maximum visibility with tons of motion for the lateral line to zero in.
2014/02/19 16:50:22
I have tied a few such monstrosities awaiting favorable conditions in the last few weeks, and with the lingering PM daylight may actually consider a swing or two tomorrow after the labors, but where this one could peak, you will need to bean them on the head as visibility will be in the microns, and their laterals will be occupied with the vibrations of the orange blossom special running through the trench, except for those few golden hours as it goes up!  But more power to you, hope you hit it right on!
Man, do I need to go fishing and get away from this screen!

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