2014/11/23 09:59:36
Kenny?.............. Kennnnny?

Hmmmm...... must be looking for a picture of somebody with intelligence.
2014/11/23 10:35:12
Was 'loaded and truckin', 'East bound and down' across 422 passing over Lake Authur. South of the highway the lake had some skim ice and open water. North of the highway, open and choppy water. What really caught my eye was the boat on the water. Not uncommon of course but, the O.A.T. was around 28 degrees and it was raining. Freezing rain I must add.

Now that is what I call a dedicated angler! Hope he caught a boat load of fish!
2014/11/24 15:11:44
Can't even spell the lake's name correctly.
2014/11/24 15:28:35
Nice report Lovgren69!
I consider the Shenango my "home river" and know it very well. Also make many quick trips below Woodcock since my family has a cottage up that way. I've fished below Arthur a couple times but don't know it too well.
Kudos to you for releasing that nice walleye! Great fish......hopefully someone else gets the opportunity to reel it in as well. I honestly can't remember the last time I've seen a walleye greater than 15in released(except for me) there unless it was out of season. And regarding the species.......after giving it some thought I think I've gotten 16 different species there. 7 in a day I think is my record. The upper river between the two lakes has the same, minus the trout(well, sometimes they escape a stocked trib). Love that watershed.
This year a good number of bowfin swam up from French into Woodcock. Had some pretty awesome days this summer, but the fishing eventually dwindled as people started killing them. I contacted the PFBC about it suggesting they put up signs, which they did, but it didn't help much. You can't fix stupid.........     They patrol that area and I see them at the swamp a good bit too but of course these low lifes won't kill fish when the officers are there watching them.
And don't worry about the pics, BeenThereDoneThat obviously hasn't been to those places enough to know that those aren't overly superb fishing days. Would love to see a pic of that eye, but we believe ya(or at least I do).
That's crazy about the guy on Arthur. during those conditions I too hope he got into a pile of fish, and hope he had his PFD on!
2014/11/24 17:44:20
Really???Can't even spell the lake's name correctly.

You blogging from your 'subspace transceiver'........................  Beam (or is it beem) me up.............. Scotty!

Really fellas? You, not see Lovgren mention he had pictures but, dropped his phone.................

Just some good-natured ribbing; sorry if your offended.
2014/11/24 20:01:41
Hey-I wasn't worried about a little good natured ribbing, and was certainly not offended!  I just wanted to share my fishing experience, nothing more nothing less.
 I've been a member here since 2003,  and those that know me realize that I don't fabricate stories just for the sake of bragging.  I probably fish close to 50 times a season, in all types of weather and conditions.  Just ask yourself how many fisherman, would be drowning bait in 25° November weather, standing waist deep in 40° degree water for hours fishing?? (I reckon not too many, lol)
Bigger picture, I think that many of us that have been here forever [Member since 2003]- have just grown tired of the constant negativity coming from many of the naysayers.  And also the people who only post to invoke reactions from others, criticize others, and call out other members (And I'm not throwing you into that category!!)
It's a fact too that these forums used to be way more: informative, friendly, and good natured.  Nowadays it's many just littered with a bunch of non-sense.  Which is why you see so many long time members hardly posting at all.
BTW I returned to Shenango yesterday, and didn't have quite as good an outing as the last time.  But I still managed 6 white/ hybrid? bass, 3 rainbows, 1 walleye (17 inches-which I donated to some shore fisherman who weren't catching much), and 1 large yellow perch.  Water was freezing cold.  That will probably be it for the wading there this season!!
2014/11/24 20:32:02
Good deal Lovgren............  Never doubted your word...........  Appreciate the come back. 
Enjoyed your post and hope to see more in the future.
2014/11/24 21:31:57
BTW I returned to Shenango yesterday, and didn't have quite as good an outing as the last time.  But I still managed 6 white/ hybrid? bass, 3 rainbows, 1 walleye (17 inches-which I donated to some shore fisherman who weren't catching much), and 1 large yellow perch.  Water was freezing cold.  That will probably be it for the wading there this season!!

Yesterday afternoon? I think you were they guy I briefly talked to as I was heading out. Small world! Yep, that water was chilly! Didn't help that I had a leak in my waders lol
2014/11/25 11:27:22
BTW I returned to Shenango yesterday, and didn't have quite as good an outing as the last time.  But I still managed 6 white/ hybrid? bass, 3 rainbows, 1 walleye (17 inches-which I donated to some shore fisherman who weren't catching much), and 1 large yellow perch.  Water was freezing cold.  That will probably be it for the wading there this season!!

Yesterday afternoon? I think you were they guy I briefly talked to as I was heading out. Small world! Yep, that water was chilly! Didn't help that I had a leak in my waders lol

I reckon that was probably me, if your referring to the tall guy with minnow bucket & backpack who was standing out there spin fishing.  I stuck it out until about dark, though the bite never really picked up.  I had a nice little flurry for awhile, where I was getting a hit almost every cast.  Although unfortunately  I couldn't hook the **** things.  My guess is that they were probably walleye, as evidenced by my minnows coming back half eaten, skinned to the head, or having teeth marks half all over them.  You're not kidding, that water was chilly indeed!!  Small world after all I guess...Matt
2014/11/25 11:41:40
Yep, that was probably you then. Nobody else fishing except for those couple people on the rocks. I was wearing a waist pack, net, and both fly and spin gear. No luck fishing artificials with the spinning rod............all my fish came fly fishing. Low and slow seemed to be the ticket for both of us! I hear ya about bringing back half eaten minnows.....frustrating. Sounds like walleye to me as well....

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