2014/09/16 15:03:21
World Famous
The Queen is ready. New hooks, line and swievels. If she dont lose them to old lines on the bottom, like 2 years ago, she IS ready to challenge....WF...Look out for the blonde girl in the canoe.
2014/09/18 08:50:03
Go get them Queeny!!!
2014/09/18 15:36:33
World Famous
She says "Thanks,Mika."  She figures 22lbs of bass is her number.....WF...pity those poor bass
2014/09/28 18:15:18
World Famous
The Queen did alright. 14# of bass and a few walleyes. No big fish at all for her. Needed 19.5 . Way too many boats hitting  the few areas she had to fish. The big boats roared over her fish 3 times and we had top move.... WF....all in all, a nice day to fish
2014/10/01 09:17:10
tournaments make fishing tough.....see it at Shenango alot.  You will have to get her a boat ...
2014/10/02 08:41:54
World Famous
Wasnt that bad the last few years, John. Seems like everyone and their brother was out cause the weather was great...WF...we thought she had 6 decent bass, on the stringer, but only had 5. She had to run out and take another to turn in her limit.
2014/10/02 16:10:37
man, jerry, that gal can fish, eh?
2014/10/03 07:03:06
Yet he never brings her along as a One Fly partner. It would up his game.
2014/10/04 08:39:10
one fly?
2014/10/04 09:14:31
World Famous
I have no game...WF...she was to go twice but stuff happened.

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