2014/06/11 12:36:38
Straight from Fishinpa.com click the link labeled "unlawful acts" under the "requirements & law" section
2014/06/11 13:00:11
Thanks FishinGuy.  It was right there under my nose.  But still... that's terribly vague.  How does one "lawfully dispose" a fish?  You'd think they'd spell that out.
2014/06/11 13:06:45
Yeah, definitely vague. But, if your not allowed to throw fish guts in the water, you probably can't dispose of whole fish either.
2014/06/11 13:36:37
Dumb law.  Sort of like the baitfish/fishbait law that says you can only have 50 minnows per person, and if you are in a group each guy has to have his 50 in its own bucket.  When have you EVER cared about that BS?  And no warden has ever checked a bait bucket that I've ever heard of.  Still there's a law for it.  
2014/06/11 18:11:07
Personally, I've never required more than 3 dozen minnows. That wasn't intended to be bragging, so please, nobody take it that way. For those lakes that allow a 50 crappie limit, I still have 3 dozen minnows because personally, I would get tired of filleting after 36 fish, lol! I'm also not saying I catch/land a fish with every single minnow, so don't read into this and imply a different meaning of what's written. As transcribed before, this can be a difficult mode of communication as non-verbal cues, gestures, body language, tonal inflection etc... aren't observable and the intended message is misunderstood. This wasn't directed at anyone in particular either.
2014/06/20 21:18:39
I would defiantly tie on some worm harnesses to try and locate a few. Then jig the area. I'm sure you won't wanna waste time in an unproductive area.
2014/06/21 20:56:51
eye crosser
Fished the lake this morning for eyes and nothing.   Did catch crappies jigging for eyes.  But the biggest thing is the gills were every where.  The big bulls were hungry as anything.  If I would have had an ultra light rig with me a hundred would have been easy.  Going to go back tomorrow and do some c& r.   They were roaming in large schools on the humps.
2014/06/21 21:11:52
Nunya biz
Talked to a local down there who has been pulling big numbers in the shallows around manning. They were catching on lead heads with a crawler
2014/06/22 07:33:19
I fished Bay41 area yesterday and the same thing...big bull Gills...must be on beds. The blue army out in force.
2014/06/26 10:04:40
Most vague laws are there to stop the excess law breakers. Sure cleaning one or two fish and tossing back the remains would cause no problem. Had you fished Trout Run ( Erie ) back in the 80's and seen what went on you might understand some laws. The shore line was covered with fish guts and carcases to the point you could hardly stand to fish. It was legal to clean your fish along the shores in those days and most did. It was totally out of control with smell and contamination.

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