2014/06/02 10:39:59
super bassman
I was up to pymo fishing a bass tourn over the weekend and seen 2 boats that were bow hunting for carp.  What bothered us were that these guys were shooting the carp and then just putting them back into the lake, we seen several fish floating after they left.  This doesn't seem right, I feel they should have to do something with the fish is there a law about this ??
2014/06/02 11:03:12
ernie fI was up to pymo fishing a bass tourn over the weekend

So... you were targeting bass that are still on their spawning beds, but you are angry that other guys are shooting overpopulated garbage fish that have no predators and that pretty much nobody fishes for?  Not sure I follow that one.  There already is a law, it says "you can shoot carp.  all you want."  They were following it.  
Now if those were stingrays they were tossing back dead, I'd be with you.  Those are delicious.  Carp... not so much.  
2014/06/02 11:39:18
super bassman
Well for your info the bass are done spawning, just the bluegills are on the beds,  we don't kill what we catch unlike the pan fish guys and of course you would never take them off the beds .  I don't care if they shoot carp but they should do something with them  not just toss them in the lake to rot
2014/06/02 19:23:08
Super Bassman.... just three questions?   
The spawn is just over and the bass are in a weakened state.
How much stress did you put on those bass ?  Did you play them till they came in on their side?  Were any bass hooked deep?
Think about it before you say...."we don't kill what we catch."
I've seen legal sized bass floating belly up after a tournament.    
2014/06/02 20:37:37
For the record, I don't really care if they have tourneys during the spawn or whenever.  LMBs are garbage fish to me, thought they do have their place in the grand scheme of things.  Bass guys have always come off as slightly snooty to me.  While I've had some bad interactions with bass guys acting like they own the lake, I've also had some super polite bass guys that evened things out.    
As for the carp, think of them like groundhogs.  Lots of people shoot them for sport, and though they are edible very few people eat them.  I don't lose sleep over dead groundhogs or carp.
2014/06/02 20:42:28
ernie fI was up to pymo fishing a bass tourn over the weekend
 So... you were targeting bass that are still on their spawning beds, but you are angry that other guys are shooting overpopulated garbage fish that have no predators and that pretty much nobody fishes for?  Not sure I follow that one.  There already is a law, it says "you can shoot carp.  all you want."  They were following it.   Now if those were stingrays they were tossing back dead, I'd be with you.  Those are delicious.  Carp... not so much.  
There's also a law that says you have to dispose of the fish properly , not back into the water.
2014/06/10 19:54:58
Crappie bite is on.............

That one looks like the one Capt. Hook released!
2014/06/11 12:04:17
where these two yahoos breaking the law ? the way I understand  the way the law is written , yes they where , not by shooting the carp which is legal , but by littering , by throwing the fish back into the lake and not disposing of properly . next time get a boat #
2014/06/11 12:19:28
bubbamanthe way I understand  the way the law is written , yes they where , not by shooting the carp which is legal , but by littering , by throwing the fish back into the lake and not disposing of properly

Can you link or post up this law you understand?  Because I did a fair bit of searching for it and found nothing.  To be fair, I didn't read the PA regs cover to cover (yet).  I'm a huge no-litter guy, but throwing a carcass back where it came from is NOT littering.  Plenty of things around that will take a free meal.  Last fish I killed removing a hook on Arthur floated for about 3 minutes until a crow spotted it.  
2014/06/11 12:35:38
(It is unlawful )To kill any fish and fail to make a reasonable effort to lawfully dispose of it.

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