2014/04/21 18:38:39
Agreed. There is no need for anyone to head up there this year. Again, no need for anyone to head to Pymie!! Pick someplace else...anyplace else.
2014/04/21 19:12:53
This is true Pymie is dead. I heard there is a small pond off 79 down south. I think it's called Lake Arthur or something. Heard they are catching monster fish there.
2014/04/21 20:04:54
That's what I heard too....
2014/04/22 21:56:00
This is true Pymie is dead. I heard there is a small pond off 79 down south. I think it's called Lake Arthur or something. Heard they are catching monster fish there.

Lake Arthur a small pond? Compared to what? Maybe you're referring to that rock quarry/strip mine that's visible at the first rest stop just south of the Grove City Shopping Complex??? There are very large bass that come out of there. As far as Pyme being dead - it depends on one's skills and how well the person knows the lake. No need for anyone to head up there? Sounds like propaganda to keep others away or an attempt at humor. Let there be no mistake, I'm not bashing anyone re: angling skills or anything else.
2014/04/23 10:57:32
Flying Fish
No, seriously Fish5000! Ask anyone.....
2014/04/24 12:40:07
Fish5k... you are missing their sarcasm.  They are basically saying that the more people who buy into the nonsense that pymie has no fish and go somewhere else the better.  
FWIW I've heard people say there were no fish in Arthur many times over the years.  They were wrong of course.  I'm not sure how many people realize that these "close" lakes are completely different.  For instance if you are used to fishing the weedbeds in summer in Arthur and go to Shenango to try the same technique you will soon find out that there aren't any weedbeds there to fish.  At least not comparable to Arthur.  Each lake is different, and you need to put some effort into how that affects your fishing if you want to succeed.  
I am determined to hit up pymie this year... but that whole driving an hour plus after I pass Arthur really bothers me.  I'm not good enough / persistent enough to wrangle walleyes from Arthur but I think I could probably catch a couple at pymie.  SIGH.
2014/05/13 10:24:52
Fished Pyma Sunday and Monday. Sunday Kept 14 crappie all 12"-15". Fished stumps in north.
Monday fished off Tuttle, a dozen small Eyes, one legal @ 17" and 3 keeper perch 12" & 13".
Good trip!


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2014/05/13 15:10:13
Flying Fish
Nice fish!  Things are finally start to heat up.
2014/05/14 15:18:35
livin right
Thanks Rugerboy58.  Are you talking about the stumps north of Clark Island or the ones by Whaley island?  I'm taking a good friend up Friday and I'm hoping to get him on some nice crappie.
2014/05/15 08:44:21
Very nice crappie and fun sounding trip.  Might be forced to use that $20 on a bigger knife...

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